Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics at Nairobi Women's Hospital College

Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics at Nairobi Women's Hospital College

Study Details for the certificate in nutrition and dietetics

  • Mode of Study: Full Time
  • Examination & Licensing: Kenya Nutritionists and Dietetics
  • Enrollment Intakes: January, May, September
Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition, nourishment, or aliment, is the supply of materials – food – required by organisms and cells to stay alive. In science and human medicine, nutrition is the science or practice of consuming and utilizing foods. Nutrition and dietetics is designed to equip the trainee with relevant knowledge, Skills and attitude to enable him/her to contribute to the improvement of healthcare using nutrition and dietetics provision in line with the Kenya Institute and Dietetics institute’s vision. A graduate of this course will be able to work in any salaried or Self –employment. A graduate in this course will be registered as either a Nutrition technician or a Dietetic Technician.


Admission Criteria and Requirements

KCSE Mean grade D + (plus) , with D plain in English/Kiswahili, Biology/Biological sciences, Chemistry/Physical Sciences and D plain in mathematics, Home science, Agriculture, General Science

Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics 2 year Tuition Fee 85,000
Mandatory Statutory Fees (Paid Once)
Application Fee 1,000
Student Identity Card & Handbook 1,500
Pre-Entry Medical Examination 3,500
Medical Emergency Kit 2,000
Graduation (final year) 5,000
Caution Fee (Refundable) 2,000
Optional Fees
Accommodation (excludes meals) 3,500

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Date published: 22/09/2017
4.9 / 5 stars