There is no doubt the leading mobile money transfer in Kenya. The broad range of services being offered by the system is vast and quickly growing with new offerings every other day being launched. Think of sending money, pay bill, Lipa Kodi na Mpesa, Nunua na Mpesa, transfer/withdraw money from banks just to mention a few.
Come to look at all these transactions,they are all enabled at the lowest level by Mpesa agents who enable you to deposit or withdraw money into your personal account for use on these value-added services. With increasing Mpesa usage this translates to more and more people joining the service and existing ones expanding their use of the service. This also in turns points that the role of an Mpesa agent shall always be key in this entire chain. Being an mpesa agent puts you in a unique position to capture this ever-growing customer base. Win Ksh 5Million on Stawisha Na Mshwari promotion Here
In our initial blog post(How an Mpesa Agency Operates) we highlighted ways of becoming an agent but truth be told having to register a company and all the bureaucracies, costs involved; it will take a couple of months to set up which is unreasonable for small starters, so only one option is left, having to get an Mpesa line from an already registered company at a small commission per month. It is more of someone leasing an Mpesa line to you and you will be sharing the spoils every month when you get paid by Safaricom. This option is easier and much better and you get set up in less than a month.
In the early years of Mpesa this was done informally by one just agreeing to set terms by your principal agent. Problem is, with it came lots of conflicts e.g. unwarranted blocking of your line by your principal, delays in remittances of your commission and lower commission percentages for your business. Click on this link below to get exact differences between aggregated and non-aggregated Mpesa

Differences Between Aggregated & Non-Aggregated Mpesa Line

Aggregated lines were Safaricom's solution to fraudulent super-agents who claimed extra commissions percentages other than the Safaricom’s recommended. Another issue was the delay in remittances of commissions by super agents.
Advantages of aggregated Mpesa Lines?
  • Higher Commissions-with aggregated Mpesa lines you will get the recommended Safaricom split commissions percentage i.e. 80% for you and 20% for your principal. This is by far the best rate because non aggregated lines attract up to 40% and in some occasions, you don’t even get to know what you earned for the whole month meaning unscrupulous super dealers can take even more without your knowledge if you don’t follow up for summarized till/agent line performance report.


  • Direct payment of commission by Safaricom-You don’t have to wait on your principal to reimburse commissions, you get it directly from Safaricom into your working account by 1st of a new month.


  • No delays in remittance of commissions– All your commissions for your till accrued in the past month are summed up by 0059hours before beginning f new month and yes, you have your commission by 1st of a new month, unlike non, aggregated lines where principals can take time to send you your commissions.


  • Faster conflict resolutions- in some occasions there might be some issues with your principal or vice versa e.g. some uncouth principals might feel their leased lines aren’t performing well(getting less commissions than anticipated) and might want to reclaim them without your approval,. Such scenarios are easily resolved if you are using aggregated line unlike non aggregated when the arrangement is informal.


  • Float Management-✅Aggregated lines come with a float management feature which enables you to easily manage your line/till e.g. by giving you an option to get cash from super agents(banks, certified super agents Mpesa outlets) by exchanging excess e-float with cash and vice versa. This is extremely economical for any mpesa agent because it gives you a very cheap way to balance and manage money in your till.
Who should get an aggregated Safaricom line/Aggregated Mpesa Line?
  • Existing Mpesa agents who already own non aggregated Mpesa lines-Changing to the aggregated line will not only guarantee higher commissions for your till but also timely payment of commissions normally by 1st or 2nd of a new month. Inquire your principal
  • New Mpesa agents-if you are willing to invest in an Mpesa agent business. For new starters do not get a lesser deal by getting a non aggregated Mpesa line.

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mpesa line aggregated for sale 2020

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Comments (12)

  • at
  • 22/Sep/20 04:38pm

Can I get an aggregated mpesa line from safaricom?if yes what are the terms and conditions or requirements.

  • at
  • 01/Dec/20 05:38am

You will have to apply as the main agent.

Type the above code here
  • at
  • 22/May/21 01:28pm

I want aggregated mpesa line kindly advice what minimum capital should I have? Assist with customer care number in custody. Regards Dominic muthui

  • at
  • 14/Apr/23 05:32am

get an authorized Mpesa or Safaricom agent and they will register you or sell to you an aggregated Mpesa agent line. Insist on them that you want to be aggregated line so that you will be receiving your commission direct from Mpesa at the end of the month and not from the agent.

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  • at
  • 14/Aug/21 04:55pm

I want agg mpesa line how can I get I have 100 k

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  • at
  • 15/Dec/21 10:05am

I want an aggregator line if possible

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  • at
  • 10/Jan/22 03:01pm

I want agg mpesa line how can I get it

  • at
  • 14/Apr/23 05:29am

You can buy the aggregated mpesa line from super agents. But you need to ask them if you will be getting your commission direct from Mpesa and not the super agent.

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  • at
  • 09/Mar/22 08:29am

Need that line

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  • at
  • 16/Aug/22 07:22am

A very insightful article

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  • at
  • 11/Mar/23 11:43am

Hi, I have safaricom m pesa line but not aggregated. How can I change it to aggregated 5

  • at
  • 14/Apr/23 05:27am

Maybe you buy a new aggregated Mpesa line because I think its impossible possible to convert non-aggregated to aggregated Mpesa line

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  • at
  • 04/Apr/23 01:17am

Kindly i want agg line

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  • at
  • 07/May/23 12:57am

some super agents are so trick, even after insisting u need aggregated line, they will still give u non aggregated. as a new applicant how can u distinguish between the two before its too late.

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  • at
  • 24/Aug/23 05:18pm

Where can I get aggregated line

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  • at
  • 28/Sep/23 01:49pm

Someone in need of an aggregated mpesa line to feel free to contact me or WhatsApp me through my contact 0728724961

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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