GHRIS Payslip Download In Kenya– Payslip Download Online

1. GHRIS Payslip Download Kenya ❤️-www.ghris.coke payslip download online âœ…

2. Do not confuse between different websites showing GHRIS Payslip that usually takes longer to show results

3 How do I download my payslip from GHRIS??

4. Download GHRIS Payslip Online 


Procedure on How to Download and Print Ghris Payslip✅

    1. First, access the Ghris website by using the following URL, âœ…
    2. Click on the Government of Kenya Employees link. The other option is for third-party organizations trying to login to ghris.
    3. Enter your user ID (sometimes known as the man number, it starts with the year you were employed) then password, and click log in.
    4. If the details you have entered are okay, the portal opens. If you get an error, check and retype your login credentials carefully. Once successful, click on My Records tab.
    5. Select my payslip option.
  1. You will see a list of current payslips displayed on the left side of your screen.
  2. If you want the current payslip, click on the current payslip link.
  3. A new page opens with the option of ‘year’, ‘month’, and ‘view payslip’. Click on view payslip and wait for it to be displayed.
  4. Click on the option print payslip to print your payslip. Select your desired printer and click okay.

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 Click here to login, access, and download your government civil servant payslip now


How to reset your www.ghris.coke payslip password 


www.ghris.coke download âœ…

The following guide will help you download your GHRIS payslip in seconds.

This guide has been updated 2020 ✅to enhance quick GHRIS PAYSLIP download within seconds. Use this form to register in the GHRIS ONLINE SYSTEM. The information will be validated against your record in the Ministry/Department. 

Registration Requirements for www.ghris.coke payslip and GHRIS payslip download✅;

      • Employee GHRIS Registration Form
      • Personal Number
      • National ID Card Number
      • KRA PIN
      • Surname
      • First Name
      • Other Names
      • Date of Birth – e.g. 20-03-1980
      • Gender – Male / Female
      • Date of First Appointment – e.g. 26-07-1988
      • Terms of Service
      • Mobile Number
      • Personal Email
      • Create your Password
      • Confirm your Password
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Procedure on How to Download and Print Ghris Payslip✅

  1. First, access the Ghris website by using the following URL, âœ…
  2. Click on the Government of Kenya Employees link. The other option is for third-party organizations trying to login to ghris.
  3. Enter your user ID (sometimes known as the man number, it starts with the year you were employed) then password, and click log in.
  4. If the details you have entered are okay, the portal opens. If you get an error, check and retype your login credentials carefully. Once successful, click on My Records tab.
  5. Select my payslip option.
  6. You will see a list of current payslips displayed on the left side of your screen.
  7. If you want the current payslip, click on the current payslip link.
  8. A new page opens with the option of ‘year’, ‘month’, and ‘view payslip’. Click on view payslip and wait for it to be displayed.
  9. Click on the option print payslip to print your payslip. Select your desired printer and click okay.

This can be helpful: How to Access Out-PatientServices using NHIF membership


  • Staff Details www.ghris.coke payslip
  • Advertised Posts on GHRIS Website – (Lower Cadre)
  • Kenya Police Payslip

To access these services, here is their Portal www.ghris.coke; payslip

✅❤️What is www.ghris.coke payslip Download 

The Government of Kenya embarked on the development of this Government Human Resource Information System – Portal website;www.ghris.coke whose aim is to address all its Human Resource (HR) needs.
Government employees can now download their monthly payslips online from the GHRIS website.
The System is designed in-house by Government Information Communication Technology Officers in collaboration with Human Resource Officers. The System is expected to interface with other existing and future systems like IFMIS, G-Pay, IRMISand IPPD. Users of GHRIS are Government MDAs, Employees, and the Public who will benefit from a centralized readily accessible, efficient and transparent system.

Do not confuse between these two: and

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GHRIS Payslip Download Online Payslip and login available at ;

GHRIS Registration available at

Use the form to register in the GHRIS.coke. The information will be validated against your record in the Ministry/Department. In the case of disparities, contact the HRM Unit in your Ministry/Department.

The users of this system will operate from various locations within and outside the country (MDA Headquarters and Counties) by use of Local Area Networks, Wide Area Networks, Web, Mobile, and any other future technologies. This means, most of the HR Functions will be available to all public servants using this Portal. Staff will have an opportunity to update their information periodically and to access Human Resource updates.

Ministries and Departments advertise vacant lower Cadre Posts under the Public Service Commission of Kenya (PSCK) delegated authority. Due to increased competition for the few job opportunities available Ministries/Departments receive huge number of applications. Arising from the above the recruitment process is very tedious and cumbersome. This portal will, therefore, ease the application process and enhance transparency in the recruitment process.

How to Register on GRHIS Website (www.ghris.coke)

1. Go to the official site and click on the “Government of Kenya” employee icon at the top left corner of the page.
2. It will take you to the login page, click on the “New to Ghris.coke? Register here” right below the log in button.

the GHRIS login page [Photo]

3. On the page, you will be required to enter your personal details such as a personal number, National Identification number, KRA pin, and Email and proceed to create a strong password then click submit. You can, however, fill in N/A for some of the details you do not yet possess except for the National ID number and KRA pin.

The GHRIS Employee registration form

4. The information you provide will then be validated as per the ministry’s provided records. However, in case of any discrepancy, you can contact the Human Resource manager in your ministry/department.

How to Download Salary payslip on www.ghris.coke payslip GHRIS website

1. After successfully signing up for your account, return back to the log in page and sign in using the user ID, the “personal number used during registration and not the national ID number, and a correct password.
2. After you are logged into the page, all the information regarding your current and past payslips will pop up on the left of the page against a blue background.

Image shows payslip year on the left

3. Click on the year of the payslip you want to download and on the scroll down that appears, select the month and then click on “view payslip”
4. The payslip will appear then click on “download payslip” and proceed to print.

How to reset www.ghris.coke payslip GHRIS Password

1. In case you log in and it fails to proceed probably because of an incorrect password, you can choose to reset the password so you get a new one.
However, you will need to have access to your email or phone to confirm your identity since a confirmation code will be sent to either of the two.

2. On the log in page and at the bottom left of the “log in” button, click on “forgot password”.

The www.ghris.go.coke payslip login page [Photo]

3. It will open the “Reset Password Form”, fill all the spaces with the requirements and click “Submit” at the bottom.

The www.ghris.coke payslip reset password form

4. Log in again using the new password
Within a few clicks, everyone can possess a valid payslip.
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  • at
  • 18/Jan/21 10:21pm

I can not view my payslip since October 2020 PF no 20150037586

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  • at
  • 20/Jan/21 04:12am


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