Differences Between Aggregated & Non-Aggregated Mpesa Line

Are you looking to start a Mpesa shop so now you want to buy Mpesa line? The process of getting a Mpesa line is not tedious, but the hassle of knowing if to buy or you already bought either an aggregated and non-aggregated Mpesa line can be daunting. 

Below I will list for you the differences between Aggregated & Non-Aggregated Mpesa Line so that you can make quick decision:


Difference 1

Aggregated Mpesa line's Commission is direct from Safaricom to your line and then you can withdraw from the bank while that of non-aggregated mpesa line is the commission paid by Mpesa is sent to your super-agent who will pay you at the end of the month.

Difference 2

Aggregated Mpesa Line has store management which means you can manage your float by withdrawing it in case it's in excess or depositing more if it is less while the non-aggregated 

 Aggregated Mpesa Line  Non-aggregated Mpesa Line
 1. Commission is direct from Safaricom to your line and then you can withdraw from the bank  1. non-aggregated mpesa line is the commission is sent to your super-agent who will pay you at the end of the month.
 2. Aggregated Mpesa Line has store management  2. No float management feature
 3. Higher Commissions  3. Less commission


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Comments (7)

  • at
  • 15/Aug/21 11:04pm

Very helpful concept

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  • at
  • 14/Apr/22 10:57pm


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  • at
  • 09/Apr/23 06:02am

Good content about aggregated mpesa line

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  • at
  • 30/Aug/23 12:45pm


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  • at
  • 16/Mar/24 06:46am

Very educative??

  • at
  • 02/Apr/24 01:02pm

I hope the article was helpful. It is worth understanding the differences between Aggregated & Non-Aggregated Mpesa Line

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  • at
  • 06/Jul/24 07:57am

Now I understand the difference between the two tills/lines Kudos!

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  • at
  • 29/Aug/24 01:20pm

The information is very useful.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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