Free Fistula Medical Screening Camp in Kenya

fistula is an abnormal connection or passageway that connects two organs or vessels that do not usually connect. They can develop anywhere between an intestine and the skin, between the vagina and the rectum, and other places. The most common location for a fistula is around the anus.

vaginal fistula is an abnormal opening that connects your vagina to another organ, such as your bladder, colon or rectum. Vaginal fistulas can develop as a result of an injury, a surgery, an infection or radiation treatment.

For those women who are unable to control their urine and or stool eg Female Genital Fistula (FGF) or Rectro-Vaginal Fistula (RVF).

Screening DATE: 27TH JUNE 2019-10TH JULY 2019

Venue: Kenyatta National Hospital, Clinic 66.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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