How much does Komarock Modern Hospital Charge for maternity Services

This article highlights the most asked question on the internet, How much does Komarock Modern Hospital Charge for maternity Services? By the end of this article, you would have known their maternity charges for Komarock Modern Hospital. Before that, the hospital has four branches, namely the Komarock, Utawala, Kathwana, and Chuka. They are well equipped with a bed capacity.


The cost for Martenity at Komarock Modern Hospital is divided into three:

  1. Ksh 45,000 for normal delivery (midwife-assisted),
  2. Ksh 70,000 (gynecologist-assisted normal delivery), and
  3. Ksh 135,000 for caesarian section delivery.

Does komarock hospital accept NHIF for delivery?

At the moment, the hospital accepts NHIF for civil servants and the National Police Service.

They accept TSC Minet at Kathwana Branch, Tharaka Nithi County only.

They also accept Linda Mama NHIF cover.


Important information to note about NHIF Services at Komarock Modern Hospital

With any of these NHIF covers below, you can get quality healthcare services at any of the branches.

For enquiries, call or write to us:
-Utawala Branch (0732254606)
-Komarock Branch (0721254606)
-Kathwana Branch (0740385654)
-Chuka Branch (0112889142)

You might be interested in adding Komarock Hospital as your NHIF outpatient preferred Hospital/facility. It is worth noting that Komarock hospital has several branches and each has its unique NHIF code. Below is the Komarock modern hospital NHIF code to make your selection easy

NHIF Code     Facility

80001516 - Komarock Medical Centre

80002715 - Komarock Modern Healthcare Utawala

66668852--Komarock Modern Kathwana In Chuka

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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