How to Adress Complaints to Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH)

The largest referral hospital in east and central Africa and also the giant hospital in kenya's capital has always been praised by many who have successfully sought their services. Many critically ill patients have been cured in various wards and allowed to rejoin their families or by being asked to attend weekly or monthly regular cilinics depending on their discharge sheet(ward).

However, sometimes its not all walk in the park. For anyone who has desperately gone into KNH hospital for treatment services can bear me witness that there are long queues that someone might spend over 12 hours before being attended to. As such, some patients and their relatives feel that they have been neglected or have not been give the right priority. When this happens, some of the relatives are seen complaining on their social media pages. Yes, Acessing services in Kenyatta national hospital is not easy but they are worth it at the end. For those who are treated and healed after a period of time, the Jubilant family members throng the hospital to greet and escort them home. 

However, if in any case you feel  like your rights to access medical services in this national hospital were infringed or you were not treated right. The hospial asks everyone to forward their claims to the administration through the various contacts;

Also Read: Finally! 258 Patients Initially Detained over Debts by Kenyatta National Hopsital have been Set Free

The hospital cautions the people to use their social media well. They should forward any complaints to the admin insreat of airing them on social media. "We also take this chance to caution the public against misuse of social media platform and instead embrace existing elaborate institutional complaint resolution systems." Kindly talk to us. 
We listen, we care.

Our contact numbers are:

Kenyatta National Hospital,
P.O Box 20723-00202,
Nairobi.Tel. 020-2726300
Cell. 0709 85400/ 0730 643000
KNH Hotline: 020 2737390

Hezekiel Gikambi
Ag. Marketing and Communication Manager

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Comments (2)

  • at
  • 13/Jun/23 04:29pm

My wife was given amatternity leave to go and deliver, then she was called to come back at work before the leave was finished,instead she was sucked, she has never been paid her salary since ati system failure, her file is no where to be found why

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  • at
  • 05/Mar/24 11:28am

X-ray section paid at 11:am till now 230pm nothing is happening and no any information give why to the patients

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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