How to Pay NHIF through Mpesa NHIF Pay bill Number 200222

It is now easier to pay NHIF through Mpesa In Kenya since the NHIF pay bill number 200222 is always active for NHIF Mpesa Payments.

Both Self employed Kenyans and other Kenyans wishing to make voluntary NHIF contributions can pay NHIF through Mpesa pay bill number 200222.

Paying NHIF through Mpesa is more convenient and faster. We also reveal the latest Mpesa charges for all payments made to NHIF through the mobile money service, and according to the new NHIF rates (2015).

The following are the steps to follow in order to Pay NHIF through Mpesa pay bill number 200222, your unique NHIF account number and National ID card number :

How to Pay NHIF through Mpesa pay bill Number 200222
  1. Go to Safaricom menu and select MPESA.
  2. Choose the Pay Bill option.
  3. For the M-Pesa NHIF Pay bill number (business number), enter 200222.
  4. Enter your contributor's National Identity Card Number.
  5. Enter the amount to contribute.
  6. M-PESA asks for your M-PESA PIN. Enter your Mpesa PIN and hit OK.
  7. M-PESA gives you the confirmation screen. Carefully confirm that all the details are correct. Press OK to finish to pay NHIF via Mpesa.
  8. You will receive an M-PESA Transaction confirmation SMS!

After this prompt, you will be sure to have successfully done Pay NHIF through Mpesa via NHIF pay bill number 200222.

You can follow us more to get updates about Pay NHIF through Mpesa or update on NHIF pay bill number.


Here is Helb PayBill Number


The following are the NHIF payment rates for NHIF Mpesa payment, charged by Safaricom when you pay NHIF via Mpesa.

To calculate your actual NHIF monthly contribution, check this new NHIF rates table, whose premium deductions depend on your salary range.

Min. Amount (Ksh) Max. Amount (Ksh) Charge (Ksh)
10 49 3
50 99 5
100 499 22
500 999 22
1,000 1,499 22
1,500 2,499 22
2,500 3,499 33
3,500 4,999 33
5,000 7,499 33
7,500 9,999 33
10,000 14,999 33
15,000 19,499 33
20,000 24,999 33
25,000 29,999 33
30,000 34,999 33
35,000 39,999 44
40,000 44,999 44
45,000 49,999 44
50,000 70,000 55

NHIF is government-controlled insurance fund that provides the best medical cover, regardless of the type of injury or illness. Remember that this option to pay NHIF via Mpesa is only available to voluntary contributors and self-employed Kenyans.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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