How to Prevent Bacterial Infections with 7 Natural Foods

Besides taking doctor prescribed supplements or medicine, it's a good idea to add certain foods to your diet to help you naturally fight infections.

Normally, Bacteria are a natural part of life. When we think about it, we picture those classic infections and illnesses that we’ve all experienced at some point or another. However, the main questions might be, is there a way to prevent bacterial infections?

Bacteria is an indispensable part of life. Many kinds are vital and very good for your health by helping your immune system protect you from other kinds of bacteria that can indeed cause infection.

Is there a way to protect yourself from 100% of bacterial infections? Well, the answer is no.

These microorganisms mutate and can even become resistant to antibiotics. Clearly, they’re one of human beings’ worst, and tiniest, enemy.

However, something that we can definitely do is strengthen our immune system as much as possible by what we eat.

Below, we’ll tell you about the best foods you can include in your diet to help prevent  bacterial infections. 


1. Probiotics help prevent bacterial infections

We often neglect natural probiotics in our diets.

It’s common, for example, to turn to dairy products enriched withLactobacillus casei instead of making the effort to find products that contain it naturally.

Dark chocolate, sauerkraut, kefir, and kombucha are fantastic at preventing infections and strengthening your immune system.

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2. Aloe vera


Having a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel is an amazing way to protect yourself from all kinds of infections.

The aloe vera plant is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It also offers a wealth of vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and folic acid).

It contains a fantastic array of minerals, as well: calcium, zinc, chromium, selenium, iron, copper, magnesium…

All of these nutrients will help prevent bacterial infections naturally, without having to take vitamin supplements.


3. Turmeric

This extraordinary spice that’s responsible for giving curry its bright yellow color has incredible healing powers.

Turmeric acts as a powerful antibacterial agent. To get the most out of it, all you have to do is mix some turmeric with a bit of honey.

This remedy will strengthen your immune system and help you prevent many kinds of infections.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Start taking this simple remedy today: after your biggest meal of the day, have a cup of water (200 ml) along with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml).

This easy habit won’t just help with your digestion: it also balances the pH of your body to more optimally and powerfully fight bacterial infections.

Treat your body to apple cider vinegar. If you use an organic variety, it’s even better.

5. Garlic tea for fighting infections

If you’ve never had garlic tea before, it’s time. It’s easy to make and offers high amounts of vitamins (A, B1, B2, and C) and antioxidants.

Most people know that garlic is an excellent natural antibiotic.

If you take this step and have it two or three times a week, you’ll be preventing or shortening colds and the flu.

In ancient times, Greek soldiers would drink garlic tea after battles to cure infection. So why not make this a habit after our regular workday “battles”?

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6. Cranberry juice

Prevent bacterial infections with cranberry juice


Cranberries taste great, look nice, and most importantly, help fight infections.

One of their most well-known powers is their ability to help when you have a bacterial infection.

The acidity of cranberries is a sign of their health benefits: it comes from their high proanthocyanidin content, a type of flavanol that is very good at treating cystitis.

7. Lemons

One fruit that deserves a spot on any list of natural remedies for bacterial infections is the lemon.

In particular, fresh lemon juice is great at treating respiratory tract infections.

Without a doubt, we should mention that vitamin C can’t protect you 100% from sore throats and the like. Nevertheless, it will help heal infections more quickly and prevent antibiotic overuse, which over time actually weakens your immune system.


To conclude, if your goal is to do a better job of preventing or fighting bacterial infections, you must pay attention to your lifestyle habits.

Nourish your body with fresh fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water, and sleep well to prevent bacterial infections. Plus, don’t self-medicate or use antibiotics without a prescription.


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Date published: 22/09/2017
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