How to top-up, sambaza credit or send someone safaricom airtime.

This is a health blog but sometimes we cannot fail to evail information on "how to samabaza someone safaricom airtime" to our readers in any case one might be having a patient at hospital or has run shor of airtime while at the facilites. If you fall into this situation, then we have got you covered with the information. 


Here is  the procedure of how to sambaza safaricom airtime, top-up safaricom airtime, send someone airtime from safaricom:

1. Key in *140*

2. Safaricom amount of airtime you would like to share/send followed by *

3. mobile number you want to share or top-up to followed by #

e.g *140*20*0712345678#


4. Then press the okay/call button.


Both you and the receiver will receive a notification message upon successful top-up/sambaza.



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  • at
  • 19/Oct/23 02:43pm

You saved me time to sambaza Safaricom credit to my friend. Thank you

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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