Intermittent Fasting Guideline for 8-5 office working employees

Intermittent Fasting is an easy eating strategy that restricts the amount of time you can eat to an 8-hour window. All you have to do is divide your day into a “fasting” window and an “eating window” .
In the Fasting window, you can consume zero calorie beverages (water, coffee, tea etc.) My trick is to spike your beverages with good fats likeI coconut oil, MCT oil and grass fed butter. I know this isn’t technically an actual “fast” but for weight loss purposes it’s what works well) 😊 The trick here is to only consume foods that have no carbs, protein or sugars. ONLY FAT 🥥 is allowed during your “fasting” window.

In the eating window, you can eat what you normally eat (protein, carbs, vegetables, fruits, fats etc.) You should still be drinking water and you can have coffee or tea with good fats to curb your appetite. .
In the above example, the fasting window is 16 hours and the eating window is 8. There are other methods but this one is the most utilized, sustainable and studied (for now). The timing of your 2 windows can be whatever suits your schedule.

You can read more about Intermittent fasting Guide for Beginners in Reducing weight

The windows can be whatever suits your schedule the best. The example above is probably best for someone who works 9-5 but if you work a night shift, you can flip it by 12 hours. Basically just wait about 5 hours after you’ve woken up to start eating and stop eating about 3 hours before you go to bed 😊
There is also tons of research that show that Intermittent Fasting improves metabolism and growth hormone production, as well as slashing your risk of diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. .
At the end of the day, if you’re trying to lose a few lbs and if your schedule and lifestyle meshes well with Intermittent Fasting then give it a shot!

Part 1: Loosing Weight with a 4 month Keto diet with Intermittent Fasting (OMAD)

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There are a number of different Intermittent fasting protocols that can be followed, to suit your goals and lifestyle. As with most things, there is no “right” way or “best” way, only suggestions on how you can adapt this eating approach and work it into your daily routine. Some popular protocols include:


This involves daily fasting for 16 hours, with an 8 hour window for eating, meaning you eat all your meals within an 8-hour time period and fast for the remaining 16 hours. For most people, this means skipping breakfast, although you could skip dinner as well. For example, you may eat all your meals within the time period of 11:00 am to 7:00 pm. Your fasted state takes place overnight while you sleep, going into the next morning.


This involves a 4-hour eating window and a 20-hour fast. You might eat between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm every day and fast for the remaining 20 hours. The number of meals you consume within this window does not really matter and you would respond to your body’s needs.

24 hour (also called Warrior fasting)

This involves fasting from dinner to dinner (or lunch to lunch etc.). If you eat dinner on day 1, you would skip the next day’s breakfast and lunch and eat dinner again on day 2. This means that you are still eating daily, but only one large meal in a day

Alternate day – (also called the UpDayDownDay Diet by James Johnson)

On this protocol, you follow a 24-hour rotation of low-calorie intake and normal-calorie intake. You basically eat normally on one day, and skip all meals on the next day, to eat normally again on the third day etc. You basically eat every 2 days, similarly to most species of untamed animals in the wilderness.


This approach was popilarised by Dr. Michael Mosley in his book ‘The Fast Diet’. This involves 5 regular eating days and 2 fasting days. However, on these two fasting days, you are allowed to eat a maximum of 500 calories on each day. These calories can be consumed at any time during the day – either spread throughout the day, or as a single meal.

If you would like to experiement with Intermittent fasting, start with skipping one meal a day (normally breakfast) and keep it up for at least a week to determine how you feel on the regimen. Once you are confident and have been assured that you will not indeed die, from skipping one meal, feel free to try out any of the other protocols to find the one that will best work with your lifestyle.

My Story to Complete Weight Loss: 4 months Keto diet with Intermittent Fasting (OMAD)

Some useful tips while you are fasting include:

Drink lots of water – preferably plain water to aid with detoxification and cleansingStay busy – if you are distracted you are less likely to think about foodDon’t publicise that you are fasting – especially not to people wo will not be supporting and who might even try tempt you into breaking your fastGive yourself one month – start with a week then build up as you become more confident. Follow an LCHF diet between fasting periods. This reduces hunger sensations and makes fasting much easier. It will also keep you in keosis which is a continuous state of fat burning.

Note: You should be able to shop wisely to know the carbohydrates embended within the foods your buy in the supermarket as well as the fat amount so that you can be able to know what exactly to reduce between carbs and fats.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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