KMTC Fee Structure for 2023

School and college fees have been adjusted following the harsh economic times worldwide.

The post below gives a detailed overview of KMTC school Fees for 2023 for self-sponsored or parallel or students whi want to finance their fees.

In our previous post, we gave a detailed discussion about the medical courses offered at KMTC college. You can check the course and see if you qualify and the amount fo fees per term you will pay.

kmtc fee structure for self-sponsored students at KMTC

The above fee structure was for self-sponsored students and it varies depending on the course of study.

Generally, self-sponsored students are required to pay tuition fees, registration fees, and other miscellaneous fees.

The tuition fee for the various certificate and diploma courses range from KES 60,000 to KES 150,000 per academic year.

Registration fees range from KES 2,000 to KES 10,000 and other miscellaneous fees range from KES 5,000 to KES 25,000.

how many semesters does KMTC college have?

KMTC College has two semesters in an academic year.

The first semester commences in August and runs till December while the second semester commences in January and runs till May.

However, there is a short break of two weeks in December and a long break in August (1 month).


There are a few things to take note of about paying KMTC fees. 

  1. The fees once paid are nonrefundable, particularly even when the student is dismissed from college.
  2. Students are supposed to make financial arrangements and expenses related to their practical attachment; Research etc. details are available from respective faculties upon reporting. This means the student will finance their practical attachment and research.
  3. Students will cover their expenses for buying stationery. Students are encouraged to buy their own textbooks and specific course books which might not be stocked by the college.
  4. the student will cover their expenses of buying medical equipment such as buying a equipment in each course i.e. Stethoscopes 

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Comments (3)

  • at
  • 22/Apr/23 01:53pm

Nicely written article

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  • at
  • 17/Jul/23 05:25am

Yes, you are correct. The fees structure for nursing course at KMTC is about KES 120,000 per year (for 3 semesters) except the final year after coursework where students pay KES 59,000 for Internship

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  • at
  • 17/Jul/23 05:27am

Thanks for highlighting the kmtc fee structure download kmtc fee structure per semester kmtc fee structure download 2023 kmtc fee structure for self sponsored students

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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