List Of 10 eHealth Providers In Kenya

Below is an updated list of 10 eHealth Providers in Kenya. They offer their health solutions through online apps where customers can request doctor and specialist consultation and pharmacy services.

1. MyDawa

MyDawa is Kenya’s first registered online pharmacy that offers a platform to authenticate all prescription and non-prescription medicine bought. The platform offers a wide range of quality prescription medicine, over the counter medicine and supplements.

Contact: +254 20 521 9999


2. Xelpha Health

Xelpha is a digital healthcare solutions company that provides universal management support and business intelligence for healthcare organizations. The company channels technology to facilitate engagement between health providers and patients.

PHONE: +1 512-522-1717 


3. Medbit Kenya

Medbit is a social enterprise that has partnered with a pool of accredited healthcare professionals to provide a platform where one can search for, book and pay for healthcare services and institutionalized care in real-time. Their android platform enables the users to search for doctors by location, speciality, and book appointment for an in-person consultation.  

+254 798 260554.


4. MedAfrica

It is a mobile healthcare app that allows patients to have healthcare that is accessible, affordable and personalized.

5. Access Afya

This company is behind the mDaktari app that helps patients manage their health conveniently over the phone. They provide consultations, prescriptions, lab referrals and coaching.

Phone: +254 790 509972

6. Nyumbani Medics

Nyumbani Medics is a web platform that brings together a team of health practitioners who offer quality and affordable healthcare services such as home health care, personal injury care, personal diagnosis and body checkups. It hosts a team of health practitioners i.e. Doctors of medicine or Osteopathy, Podiatrists, Dentists, Chiropractors etc.

Contact: 0748 302 614

7. Health E Net

Health E Net makes high-quality medical consultations accessible to everyone, by linking medical skills all over the world to places where they are in desperately short supply.

+254 707 329992

8. mHealth Kenya 

It offers digitalized health solutions especially in the areas of HIV/AIDS management, response to public health emergencies and supporting healthcare workers to deliver on health.

Contact: 0721 754 986

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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