Situational Analysis Florida Lions Eye Bank (Hospital)

Situational Analysis  

An eye bank is a not-for-profit organization that obtains, medically evaluates, and distributes eyes donated by generous individuals for use in corneal transplant surgery, research, and education. Eye banks in the United States provide tissue for over 70,000 corneal transplants annually. Of these, over 1,200 grafts are provided by the Florida Lions Eye Bank per year.


In 1944, the first eye bank was founded in New York City by two physicians, Dr. Townley Paton and Dr. John MacLean. The Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) was built up in 1961, and its individuals incorporate eye banks that work in the United States, as well as in Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. The EBAA has set up extensive therapeutic principles for eye banks, and the institutionalized the preparation and confirmation of eye bank technicians. These intercessions are viewed as real commitments to the present security of eye transplantation. The EBAA is the national certifying office for eye banks. Accreditation requires site visits at any rate once like clockwork by the EBAA to assess adherence to set up gauges and quality control.

To abstain from abusing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Eye banks must, through their lawful anatomical approvals, acquire assent which permits Eye Bank Association of America delegates access to benefactor data for accreditation audits.

 Mission of Florida Lions Eye Bank.

In the fight against visual impairment and blindness, the Florida Lions Eye Bank recovers, processes and distributes ocular tissue for sight-saving surgery. It provides eye tissue and funding for ophthalmic research and training and operates a pathology lab to assist with patient diagnosis and treatment. It also provides professional and community education to promote eye donation.

What kinds of services does the eye bank provides? 

We recover, process, and distribute ocular tissue for transplant and research. All research tissue is provided free of charge. We will never turn away a patient in need of a transplant due to inability to pay: we have a program for providing free tissue to patients in need. We also run an ocular pathology lab and provide funding for research projects via grants. We participate in community events promoting donation awareness. We organize and attend continuing education events at medical facilities. We attend conferences and meetings put on by Lions Clubs of Florida, and provide educational programming at these events.

 10.  Does the eye bank has marketing or public relations in place?


11.  If the eye bank had a message to deliver to its public, what question would it be?

I am not clear on whether you want me to give a message to the public, or ask a question of the public. Can you clarify?

12.  How much the eye bank wants to increase its fundraising for next year?

We hope to increase our fundraising significantly. I am unable to provide a specific dollar amount.

13.  What kind of volunteer the eye bank wants to attract? 

Florida Lions Eye Bank would like corneal transplant recipients, or family members of cornea donors, to volunteer to speak at community events.

14.  Does the eye bank has special events? If so, what kind?

Yes. We have several. I will list them.

  1. We have an annual donor/ donor family appreciation event. I will attach a copy of our most recent newsletter in PDF format so you can read about it.
  2. We have 2 annual open houses for our board of directors, financial supporters, friends and families, and anyone else interested. This includes a tour of our laboratory facilities.
  3. We host an annual installation dinner when we install a new board of directors each year.
  4. Beginning in 2016, Florida Lions Eye Bank sponsored a Donate Life Awareness day alongside our partner organ and tissue banks. We hope to make this an annual event. You can read about the event in the news here:
  5. We attend a number of special events hosted by other organizations.


This specific organization is one and only of numerous that offer inside and out to the Florida Lions Eye Bank cause each year through the numerous occasions and raising support crusades. Notwithstanding supports, Florida Lions Eye Bank intensely depends on the backing of regular individuals as volunteers to contribute their time and/or ability to the cause. There are various courses for volunteers to get required without being on staff as a restorative expert or as a worker. Volunteers are frequently selected to bolster the numerous occasions that occur every year, the nation over, to raise reserves for the association. A few occasions incorporate Team Up for Florida Lions Eye Bank (Volunteers, 2014).

Volunteers are likewise required nearby to help the medicinal staff with the uncommon needs of the youngsters and their families. "The individuals who volunteer on the Florida Lions Eye Bank grounds and past are the backbone Florida Lions Eye Bank. They give vital bolster benefits that are fundamental to the healing center and the prosperity of its eye patients. Every day, willing volunteers go to the Florida Lions Eye Bank grounds to give their time and vitality so that Florida Lions Eye Bank can satisfy its main goal of discovering cures and sparing kids" (Volunteers, 2014). St. Jude must keep on having a relentless stream of volunteers every year so as to productively execute both its everyday work and its raising support occasions. Rivalry many don't see non-benefits as having direct rivalry, maybe in light of the fact that income is not the essential objective. However, rivalry is pretty much as genuine, and now and then generally as savage, as the revenue driven, business world. Florida Lions Eye Bank is situated against various associations who have comparable causes and battle for the same stipends, gifts, volunteers and consideration from general society. 

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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