Top 10 Best Web Hosting Companies in Kenya 2019 (updated)

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List of 10 great web hosting companies in Kenya.

1. Truehost Kenya

2. Webhost Kenya Ltd

3. Webspace Ltd

4. Safaricom Cloud

5. Sasahost

6. Kenya Website Experts 

7. Globefinity Cloud Services

8. Softlink Options

9. Peak and Dale Solutions

10. Mambo Microsystems 



1. Truehost Kenya

At Truehost, domain registration costs from Ksh. 680. The company offers three main web hosting plans: Silver, Gold, and Unlimited.

Plan Features



Unlimited –Ksh. 7,499 p/a Unlimited disk space, unlimited FTP accounts, unlimited databases, unlimited email accounts



Gold-Ksh. 2,499 p/a 30GB disk space, unlimited FTP accounts, unlimited databases



Silver –Ksh. 999 p/a 10GB disk space, unlimited FTA accounts, unlimited databases




2. Webhost Kenya Ltd

Webhost Kenya Ltd. offers local domains from Ksh. 650. Others such as .biz, .com, and .net cost Ksh. 1,260.

The company offers four web hosting plans: Platinum, Diamond, Gold, and Silver.

Below is a summary of these plans:




Platinum –Ksh. 6,960 p/a 100GB web space, unlimited email accounts, unlimited emails, unlimited databases, 750 monthly bandwidth, free domain renewable annually



Diamond –Ksh. 5,800 p/a 80GB web space, unlimited email accounts, unlimited databases, 500GB monthly bandwidth, free domain renewable annually



Gold-Ksh. 4,640 50GB web space, unlimited email accounts, unlimited emails, unlimited databases, 250GB monthly bandwidth, free domain renewable annually



Silver –Ksh. 870/Q 30GB web space, unlimited emails, unlimited databases, 100GB monthly bandwidth




3. Webspace Ltd

You can register a domain name with Ksh. 580.

The company offers five web hosting packages: Starter, Standard, DNS Hosting, Plus, Professional, and Corporate.

The table below summarizes the features and prices of each plan:

Plan Features



Starter –Ksh. 580/mo. 1GB storage space, 10 email addresses, business microsite, unlimited email aliases



Standard –Ksh. 1,160/mo. 2GB storage space, 20 email addresses, unlimited email aliases, unlimited subdomains



DNS –Ksh. 1,160/mo. Panel control, unlimited subdomains, unmetered bandwidth



Plus –Ksh. 1,972 5GB storage space, 20 email addresses, unlimited email aliases, unlimited subdomains



Professional –Ksh. 2,320 10GB storage space, 20 email addresses, unlimited email aliases, unlimited subdomains



Corporate –Ksh. 4,060 20GB storage space, 30 email addresses, unlimited email aliases, unlimited subdomains




4. Safaricom Cloud

Safaricom web hosting services come in five different packages: Lite, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Enterprise.

Plan Features





Ksh. 5,599 for local domains

Ksh. 5,999 for international domains


20GB disk space, 200 email accounts, 200 subdomains, 30 FTP accounts


Ksh. 4,599 for local domains

Ksh. 4,999 for international domains


10GB disk space, 100 email accounts, 100 subdomains, 20 FTP accounts


Ksh. 3,099 for local domains

Ksh. 3,499 for international domains


2GB disk space, 50 email accounts, 50 subdomains, 5 FTP accounts


Ksh. 2,099 for local domains

Ksh. 2,499 for international domains


500MB disk space, 10 email accounts, 50 subdomains, 5 FTP accounts


Ksh. 599 for local domains

Ksh. 999 for international domains


50MB disk, 5 email accounts, 3 subdomains, 2 FTP accounts


5. Sasahost

Sasa host is perhaps among the best web hosts in Kenya.

The company offers four main packages: Startup, SME, Reseller, and Corporate.

Under each of the plans, there are sub-plans. This company only offers local domain registration at Ksh. 1,000.

Plan Sub-Plans



Corporate Corporate/VIP-II


Ksh. 18,000

80GB disk space, 800GB monthly bandwidth, unlimited email accounts, unlimited subdomains, unlimited MySQL databases, unlimited parked and addon domains





Ksh. 14,000

50GB disk space, 500GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL databases, parked and addon domains



Reseller Reseller V


Ksh. 10,000

300GB disk space, 300GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, domains, MySQL databases, parked and addon domains



Reseller III


Ksh. 6,000

180GB disk space, 180GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL domains, addon and parked domains



Reseller II


Ksh. 4,000

120GB disk space, 120GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL domains, addon and parked domains



Reseller 1


Ksh. 2,000

60GB disk space, 60GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL domains, addon and parked domains



SME SME-Medium-V


Ksh. 9,000

40GB disk space, 400GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL domains, addon and parked domains





Ksh. 5,000

20GB disk space, 200GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL domains, addon and parked domains





Ksh. 4,000

15GB disk space, 150GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL domains, addon and parked domains



SME-Medium II


Ksh. 3,000

10GB disk space, 100GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL domains, addon and parked domains



Startup Startup V


Ksh. 10,000

70GB disk space, 700GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL domains, addon and parked domains



Startup IV


Ksh. 5,000

35GB disk space, 350GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL domains, addon and parked domains



Startup III


Ksh. 3,000

25GB disk space, 250GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL domains, addon and parked domains



Startup II


Ksh. 2,000

15GB disk space, 150GB monthly bandwidth, and unlimited: email accounts, subdomains, MySQL domains, addon and parked domains




6. Kenya Website Experts 

This is one of the companies offering cheap web hosting services in Kenya.

The company offers four main web hosting plans. Get local domain registration in Kenya with as low as Ksh. 580 annually.

It is also among the best companies offering web design in Kenya at Ksh. 32,000 for a basic design and Ksh. 150,000 for a corporate design.

Plan Features



Gold-Ksh. 14,100 p/a Unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited subdomains, unlimited email accounts, unlimited MySQL databases



Bronze –Ksh. 7,100 p/a 50GB, 500GB bandwidth, unlimited subdomains, unlimited email accounts, unlimited MySQL databases



Standard-Ksh. 4,100 p/a 40GB disk space, 400GB bandwidth, unlimited subdomains, unlimited emails, unlimited MySQL accounts



Starter –Ksh. 8,500 30GB disk space, 300GB bandwidth, unlimited subdomains, unlimited email accounts, unlimited MySQL accounts




7. Globefinity Cloud Services

This company offers four web hosting packages: SME Hosting, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Find the summary below:


Plan Features



Gold-Ksh. 8,000/mo. 140GB disk space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited email addresses, unlimited databases, unlimited FTP accounts, 10 parked domains, unlimited subdomains



Silver-Ksh. 4,000/mo. 70GB disk space, unlimited databases, 5 parked domains, unmetered bandwidth, unlimited email addresses, unlimited databases, 10 subdomains, unlimited FTP accounts



Bronze-Ksh. 2,000/mo. 50GB disk space, 100GB bandwidth, 100 email addresses, 5 subdomains, 3 parked domains, 50 databases, 50 FTP accounts



SME Hosting –Ksh. 600/mo. 20GB disk space, 20GB bandwidth, 20 email addresses, 10 FTP accounts, 10 databases, 1 subdomain




8. Softlink Options

The company’s hosting plans come with free domain names. Five main packages are offered: Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

Plan Features



Platinum –Ksh. 27,000 20,000MB disk space, unlimited mailboxes, 20 MySQL database, free domain registration



Gold-Ksh. 21,000 10,000MB disk space, unlimited mailboxes, 10 MySQL database, free local domain registration



Silver –Ksh. 14,000 5,000MB disk space, unlimited mailboxes, 5 MySQL database, free local domain registration



Bronze-Ksh. 5,000 1000MB disk space, unlimited mailboxes, 1 MySQL database, free local domain registration



Basic-Ksh. 2,500 500MB disk space, unlimited mail boxes, 1 MySQL database, free local domain registration




9. Peak and Dale Solutions

Peak and Dale Solutions offers an array of web solutions. Register for a domain name from Ksh.999 and as high as Ksh. 18,000.

The company offers three plans: Paper, Carton, and Board.

Plan Features



Board –Ksh. 10,000 p/a 10GB disk space, 200GB bandwidth, unlimited subdomains, unlimited email accounts



Carton –Ksh. 7,000 p/a 6GB disk space, 120GB bandwidth, unlimited domains, 10 email accounts



Paper-Ksh. 3,800 3GB disk space, 60GB bandwidth, unlimited subdomains, 5 email accounts




10. Mambo Microsystems 

This company offers three main web hosting packages: economy, standard, and business.

Plan Features



Business-Ksh. 9,000 p/a Unlimited GB RAID protected, host unlimited websites, and unlimited: MySQL databases, accounts, and bandwidth,


Comes with a free domain name


Standard-Ksh. 3,600 p/a 50GB RAID Protected, unlimited bandwidth, 10 websites, 100 MySQL databases, 100 email accounts


Comes with a free domain name


Economy-Ksh. 3000 p/a 15GB RAID Protected, unlimited bandwidth, 1 website, 15 email accounts, 10MySQL databases


Comes with a free domain name

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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