Updated List Of Oncologists In Kenya & their Contacts

Oncologists in Kenya updated 2019

Oncologist: A doctor who has special training in diagnosing and treating cancer in patients using chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, biological therapy, and targeted therapy.
Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer.
The field of oncology has three major areas: medical, surgical, and radiation.

A medical oncologist treats cancer using chemotherapy or other medications, such as targeted therapy.

A surgical oncologist removes the tumor and nearby tissue during an operation. He or she also performs certain types of biopsies.

A radiation oncologist treats cancer using radiation therapy.
Sub-specialties in Oncology:

Neuro-oncology: focuses on cancers of brain.
Ocular oncology: focuses on cancers of eye.
Head & Neck oncology: focuses on cancers of oral cavity, nasal cavity, oropharynx, hypopharyx and larynx
Thoracic oncology: focuses on cancers of lung, mediastinum, oesophagus and pleura.
Breast oncology: focuses on cancers of breast
Gastrointestinal oncology: focuses on cancers of stomach, colon, rectum, anal canal, liver, gallbladder, pancreas.
Bone & Musculoskeletal oncology: focuses on cancers of bones and soft tissue.
Dermatological oncology: focuses on the medical and surgical treatment of skin, hair, sweat gland, and nail cancers
Genitourinary oncology: focuses on cancers of genital and urinary system.
Gynecologic oncology: focuses on cancers of the female reproductive system.
Pediatric oncology: concerned with the treatment of cancer in children.
Hemato-oncology: focuses on cancers of blood and stem cell transplantation
Preventive oncology: focuses on epidemiology & prevention of cancer.
Geriatric oncology: focuses on cancers in elderly population.
Pain Palliative oncology: focuses on treatment of end stage cancer to help alleviate pain and suffering.
Molecular oncology: focuses on molecular diagnostic methods in oncology.
Oncopathology: A specialty of Pathology that focuses on the histopathological diagnosis of cancer. As a significant portion of all general pathology practice is concerned with cancer, the practice of oncology is deeply tied to, and dependent upon, the work of both anatomical and clinical pathologists.
Nuclear medicine oncology: focuses on diagnosis and treatment of cancer with radiopharmaceuticals.
Psycho-oncology: focuses on psychosocial issues on diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.




Dr. Sitna Mwanzi
Chair, KESHO and Consultant Medical Oncologist

Dr Anne Ng’ang’a
Head of National Cancer Control Program at the Ministry of Health

Dr. Alfred Karagu
Chief Executive Officer at National Cancer Institute of Kenya
Afya House, Cathedral Road 00100 Nairobi ,Kenya
Tel: +254 720849417
Email: ncikenya@gmail.com

Dr. Nicholas Antony Othieno-Abinya
P.O. BOX 2621, K.N.H., Nairobi.

Dr Riaz Kasmani
Consultant Physician/Medical Oncologist
AgaKhan Hospital & Mombasa Hospital – Speciality Clinic

Dr. Musibi Alice Muthoni
Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine Aga Khan University
Tel: 254 20 3662117

Dr. Henry Otieno Abwao
MP Shah Hospital, Shivachi Road, Parklands
Email: abwaoh@gmail.com
Tel: +254 733 744 748 Oncologists Kenya

Dr. Andrew Oluoch Odhiambo
Lecturer in Internal Medicine & Medical Oncology/Haematology – University of Nairobi (UoN), Department of Clinical Medicine & Therapeutics

Dr. Khama Rogo
Gynecological Oncologist
Founder of the Nairobi Oncology Centre

Dr Rohit Govindji Radia
Consultant Physician, Endocrinologist and Medical Oncologist
2nd Floor Room 204 Nairobi Hos Lab Building,
Argwings Kodhek Road,
Address: P.O BOX 48056 Nairobi

Dr Ann Kabura Waweru (Mwangi)
Address Room 11 K N H Doctors Plaza,
Hospital Road,
Nairobi Central, 00100
Tel:+254 20 272 6300

Dr David Theuri Ndirangu
Nuclear Medicine Physician
Kenyatta National Hospital Doctors’ Plaza,Suite No 5, Nairobi
Email: davendirangu@yahoo.com

Dr Vijaya Kumar Narayan
M P Shah Hospital,
Shivachi Road
Tel:+254 20 374 0132

Dr Melly Elias Kipchumba
Nandi Road,
Eldoret West, 30100
Tel: +254 53 203 3471

Dr Gladwell Kiarie
3rd Floor Room T9 Mp Shah Hospital Dinesh Chandar,
Shivachi Road,
Physician, Hematologist and Oncologist attached to
department of clinical medicine and Therapeutics
University of Nairobi.
Tel:+254 20 374 2763
Email: clinic@drkiarie.com Oncologists Kenya

Dr. Khadija Warfa
Gynecologic Oncologist
Aga Khan University Hospital

Dr. Edward Sang
Gynaecologic Oncologist
Prof Nelson Awori Centre (Suite 5, Wing B, 3rd Floor

Dr. Helena Musau
Consultant Clinical and Radiation Oncologist
HCGCCK Cancer Centre
Shivachi Road, Parklands,, Nairobi
Tel: 0727 844842

Dr. Miriam Mutebi
Breast Surgical Oncologist
Aga Khan University Hospital


Dr. Jesse Opakas
Radiation Oncologist
Equra Health Kenya Eldoret Comprehensive Cancer Centre
Address: Malaba Rd, Eldoret
Tel: 0708 911920

Dr. Vincent Musungu
Kakamega Teaching and Refferal Hospital
Tel: 0738 48 3487

Dr. Anselmy Opiyo
Head of the Cancer Treatment Centre at KNH

Dr. Abdi Hakin Mohamed
Surgical Oncologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon
Aga Khan University
Oncologists Kenya

Dr Innocent Orora Maranga
Assistant Director, Head of Reproductive Health
Kenyatta National Hospital

Dr Tonui kipkirui
Gynecologic Oncologist
Lecturer at Moi University and Referral Hospital

Dr. Catherine Nyogesa
Radiation Oncologist
Co-founder Texas Cancer Centre
Tel: 0716279632
Email: info@texascancercentre.co.ke

Dr. Asim Jamal Shaikh
Cheif Of Medical Oncology Division at The Aga Khan University Hospital , Nairobi

Dr. Jamilla (Anyonge) Rajab
Consultant Haematologist and Paedriatic Oncologist KNH
Lecturer, Haematology and Blood Transfusion Unit, Department of Human Pathology,
School of Medicine, University of Nairobi.
P.O. Box 19676-00202, NAIROBI.
Tel: +254-020-2721815.
Cell: +254722-707421.
naimjamilla@yahoo.com Oncologists Kenya


Dr Adarsh Chandramouleswar
Consultant – Clinical Oncology
HCGCCK Cancer Centre
Tel: +254-727-844-882
Email: info@hcgcck.com

Dr Vijay Narayanan
HCGCCK Cancer Centre
Tel: +254-727-844-882
Email: info@hcgcck.com Oncologists Kenya

Dr Hamid Mustafa
Radiation Oncology
HCGCCK Cancer Centre
Tel: +254-727-844-882
Email: info@hcgcck.com

Dr Shalender Sharma
oral Cancer
HCGCCK Cancer Centre
Tel: +254-727-844-882
Email: info@hcgcck.com Oncologists Kenya

Dr. Ahmed Komen
Clinical and radiation Oncologist
Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi Oncologists Kenya

See Also:

  • Pediatricians in Kenya
  • Pathologists
  • Urologists
  • Nephrologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Neurosurgeons
  • Gastroenterologists
  • Nutritionists / Dieticians
  • Orthopedic Surgeons
  • Dermatologists
  • ENT Specialists
  • Internists

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  • Types of Oncologists, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).
  • Chiba, Kenya, et al. “Significance of PET/CT in determining actual TNM staging for patients with various lung cancers.” International surgery 95.3 (2010): 197-204.

Chan, William C., et al. “Characteristics of radiology groups and of diagnostic radiologists and radiation oncologists in different types of practices.” Radiology 207.2 (1998): 443-453.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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