10 best biodigester construction companies in Kenya.

Biodigester construction is becoming increasingly important in Kenya as the country seeks to reduce its carbon footprint. Biodigesters are an efficient way of disposing of organic waste and providing a sustainable source of energy. With the right technology, a biodigester can provide a renewable energy source and reduce the amount of waste material that needs to be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

Before diving into the list, it's worth noting that Biodigesters are anaerobic digesters that use bacteria to break down organic waste. This process creates biogas, which can be used as a renewable energy source. Biodigesters also reduce waste and create a nutrient-rich fertilizer. 

There are many biodigester construction companies in Kenya that specialize in designing, constructing, and maintaining biodigesters. Here are some of the best biodigester construction companies in Kenya:


1. Biorock Energy Solutions:

Biorock Energy Solutions is a leading biodigester construction company in Kenya with over 25 years of experience in designing and constructing biodigesters.

They specialize in creating custom solutions for clients, and they offer a wide range of services such as installation, maintenance, and repair.

Location address: Bondo, Nairobi
Contact: 0736 353257

2. Bio-Green Technologies:

Bio-Green Technologies is a biodigester construction company in Kenya that specializes in creating biodigesters that are tailored to the needs of its clients. They are highly experienced in the construction of biodigesters, and their biodigesters are designed to be energy efficient and cost-effective.

Location: Wendy Court Office Park, David Osiele Road, Off Westlands Avenue, Nairobi City
Phone number: 0721 907701


3. Biodoctor Kenya Ltd

This is among the leading provider of biodigester construction services in Kenya. We specialize in designing, constructing, and maintaining biodigesters for both domestic and commercial use. They offer after-sales support and maintenance to ensure that your biodigester continues to provide reliable, efficient, and cost-effective service.

Location: Biashara Centre, Kasarani, Nairobi.

Contacts: 0722 983 598, 0732 983 598.


4. Biozone

Biozone is a Kenyan construction company based in Nairobi that specializes in the construction of biodigesters. The company provides biodigester solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial customers.

Location: Muranga Road, off Kahawa Sukari Ave, Kahawa, Kenya
Phone: 0111 715578


5. Biodigester Kenya

Biodigster Kenya provides complete solutions for businesses and households. This includes installation and maintenance services, as well as training and support for customers. Their biodigesters are designed for both urban and rural settings and can be used for a variety of applications. These include waste management, energy production, and water treatment. 

Location: Greece Towers, 2nd Floor, Ruiru.

Contacts: 0712 660 245, 0701 458 212.


6. Jamtu Construction

Jamtu biogas constructor in Kenya uses a variety of materials to construct its biodigesters, including plastic tanks, steel pipes, and natural stone.

The company also provides maintenance and repair services for its biodigesters. 

Location: Njengi House, 2nd Floor,

Tom Mboya Street, Nairobi.


7. Blueflame Water and Energy Solutions Ltd

Blueflame wastewater treatment specializes in a variety of wastewater treatment and other range of services in Kenya, including the construction of biodigesters in Kenya. Its also among the leading biodigester construction company. Other than constructions, they also provide technical support and training to help ensure the efficient and successful operation of biodigesters. 

Location: Thika Road off Kahawa Sukari Ave, Nairobi.

Phone number:0111 715578


8. Dancom Construction Ltd

Dancom Construction constructs modern biodigesters using efficient systems both for residential and commercial homes and buildings.

Contacts: 0759 408 324, 0726 696 275.


9. Hallmark Biodigesters Kenya

Hallmark Biodigesters Kenya specializes in biogas digesters and waste-to-energy solutions for both domestic and commercial customers. They provide biodigestive tanks and soakage drains. Their products are designed to reduce landfill waste and create a cleaner environment.

Location: View Park Towers, Nairobi.

Contact: 0727 450 993.


10. Biodigesters Kenya

Biodigesters Kenya specializes in designing, installing, operating, and maintenance of biodigesters and related equipment; Installation of biogas systems; Analysis, monitoring, and evaluation of biodigester performance.

Location: Church of acts Building, Banana Raini Road, Ruaka
Phone Contact: 0721 860446

These are some of the best biodigester construction companies in Kenya that specialize in designing, constructing, and maintaining biodigesters. Each company offers a wide range of services to its clients, and their biodigesters are designed to be energy efficient and cost-effective. If you are looking for a reliable and experienced biodigester construction company in Kenya, then these are the companies to consider.


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