15 Best Hospitals That Offer Male Circumcision In Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya is home to a wide range of hospitals that offer male circumcision services. These services are provided by both public and private hospitals and health centers and are usually available on an outpatient basis.

Male circumcision is a safe, simple procedure that removes the foreskin from the penis.

The most popular hospitals offering male circumcision in Nairobi are the Aga Khan University Hospital, Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi Hospital, and Mater Misericordiae Hospital.

Generally, male circumcision procedures take between 10-15 minutes using either local or general anesthesia. 


1. Nairobi West Hospital

Nairobi West Hospital offers male circumcision services.

The procedure is performed by a qualified urologist or surgeon and takes about 20 minutes.

The hospital is well-equipped with the necessary medical equipment and supplies to ensure the procedure is performed safely and effectively.

Contacts: 0730 600000


2. Aga Khan University Hospital

Yes, the Aga Khan University Hospital in Kenya does offer male circumcision services.

The hospital offers safe and effective circumcision services for adults and adolescents, provided by experienced and qualified medical practitioners.

Contacts: +254 (0)111 011 888 or +254 (0) 730 011 888


3. Avenue Healthcare Parklands

Avenue Hospital located in Parklands in Nairobi offers male circumcision with local and general anesthesia depending on the patient's preferences.

Their rates are a little higher because they charge around Kshs 45,000 for the cut under General anesthesia and Kshs 35,000 for Local anesthesia.

Contact: 0711060000


4. Nairobi Hospital

Nairobi hospital like other major private hospital offers male circumcision with either local or general anesthesia depending on client preferences.

It is among the top private hospitals with excellent medical expertise. 

Contact: 020 2845000


5. Coptic Hospital

This is one of the best private hospitals in Nairobi. It's a church-based hospital offering voluntary male circumcision. Like other private hospitals, it offers local or general anesthesia male circumcision at a fee that is slightly higher, a reflection of top-tier private hospitals.

Contact: 0711 043000


6. M.P. Shah Hospital

Yes, M.P. Shah Hospital in Kenya offers male circumcision services.

The hospital is located in Nairobi and offers a range of services, including male circumcision.

The hospital also offers pre- and post-operative counseling for those undergoing the procedure. 

Contact: 020 429 1000


7. St. Francis Community Hospital

St Francis Community Hospital is a catholic faith-based hospital offered along Kasarani town off Thika road offering male circumcision services. 

It is a level 5 teaching and referral Hospital with major and minor operating rooms with specialized equipment.

Contact: 0713 969608


8. Kijabe Hospital

Yes, Kijabe Mission Hospital offers male circumcision.

The hospital is a faith-based, non-profit hospital and has been providing medical services to the local population since 1928.

The cost of male circumcision at Kijabe Hospital typically ranges between Kshs. 2000-5000.

Contact: Day: 0709728200 /0709728224 / Night:0787145122


9. Nairobi Women's Hospital

They offer male circumcision under local or general anesthesia depending on the individual preference. It costs Kshs 6,000 under local anesthesia and Kshs 16,500 under general anesthesia. They have branches in Hurlingham, Adams, Ongata Rongai, kitengela, and Nakuru.

Contact: 0703081001


10. Karen Hospital

Karen Hospital offers male circumcision services as part of its urology and pediatric services.

All circumcisions are performed under general anesthesia and are done by experienced pediatric urologists.

Patients must be at least seven days old and the procedure typically takes about 15 to 45 minutes. 

Karen Hospital charges KSh 40,000 for local anesthesia and KSh 50,000 for general anesthesia.


11. Kenyatta Hospital

Kenyatta National Hospital offers circumcision services for males of all ages. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on the patients age and preference.

The procedure typically takes 30-45 minutes and patients are usually able to go home the same day. This is a VOLUNTARY MEDICAL MALE CIRCUMCISION (VMMC) service offered at Clinic No.24 Free of Charge.

The service is offered from Monday to Friday during working Hours


12. Marie Stopes Kenya 

Yes, Marie Stopes Kenya (MSK) is offering male circumcision services.

The organization provides Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) services in all its health facilities in Kenya. The service is offered to men aged 15 years and above. 

Additionally, the organization also provides pre- and post-procedural counseling, which is tailored to each individual's needs.

Contact: 0800 720005


13. Jacaranda Maternity Hospital

Jacaranda Maternity Hospital is the best private maternity hospital in Kenya offering male circumcision.

They use local anesthesia during the procedure and charge about Khs 5,000, to males who are 5 years old and above.

Contacts: 0731 999 077, 0786 629 763.


14. Eastern Deanery Aids Relief Program (EDARP)

EDARP is a faith-based NGO organization offering voluntary and free medical-based male circumcision in all its clinics spread across Kenya such as in Donholm, Kibera, Babadogo, and Railways in Nairobi CBD.

Contact: 0721 488 607.


15. Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital

Gertrude Children's Hospital is a pediatric hospital that offers male circumcision specifically for children. Its located in Muthaiga and has other branches spread across the nation and charges Kshs 33,000 for children above 13 years.

Contact: 020 7206000


16. St Mary’s Mission Hospital

St Mary’s Mission Hospital Lang'ata also offers male circumcision charging Kshs 15,000 for the cut, using general anesthesia. However, their service might take up to 3 hours to ensure the procedure is done expertly. 

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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