Adele, age 24, was recently diagnosed with cancer. This form of cancer is treatable, requiring several months' worth of hospital treatments. What steps that Adele can take to effectively manage her levels of stress

Adele, age 24, was recently diagnosed with cancer. This form of cancer is treatable, requiring several months' worth of hospital treatments. She feels a great deal of stress from being diagnosed with a life-threatening disease and managing her treatments along with her duties at work. Coping strategies define how people deal with stress.

  1. In your opinion, what are several specific steps that Adele can take to effectively manage her levels of stress throughout her course of treatment?

There are various steps that Adele can undertake to help her manage stress for the duration of her treatment. One of these steps is to find the hobbies or activities that would make her happy. She can opt to join a volunteer group to help people who are in need.

This can be the most effective way of relieving stress since when one focuses on helping others, it helps them forget their stressful situation. It will help Adele know that there are also others who are in the same predicament and she is not the only one handling what she is going encountering.

Another step that Adele can take is to join a cancer support group where she will be able to individuals who can directly relate to what she is facing. She can also find one good friend or family member to ask for assistance and support over the next three to six months.

Adele can also talk to her manager about reducing the tasks allocated to her while she undergoes treatment. Support at work is vital to her stress. She doesn't have to worry in her mind concerning the work situation being allocated.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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