Best Hospitals in Mombasa Offering Maternity Services and their Prices

Maternity fees come into consideration when a new life is brought into this world. An individual should compare the prices and see where she fits during her delivery. Here are some hospitals offering maternity services in the Mombasa area.

1. Seaside Hospital & Maternity

It is a General Medical clinic and is located in Ganjoni Area. They offer Maternity Facilities and Ante-natal Care.

Located: Bishop Makarios Road, Mombasa Island, Mombasa

Phone: 0727 500294


2. St. Thomas Maternity Hospital

It offers maternity services with affordable packages and accepts NHIF cards

Located: Opposite Beliel Plaza, Kona Mpya, Likoni Ukunda Rd, Mombasa

Phone: 0705 718906


3. Bomu Hospital

Location: Changamwe branch, Likoni branch and Mariakani branch

Bomu has maternal, child health and family planning expertise.

Contact below for their packages:

Phone: 722 574755 / 734



4. Aga Khan Hospital Mombasa

Their services include:

  • Antenatal
  •  Antiretroviral Therapy
  •  Basic Emergency Obstetric Care
  •  Caesarean Section
  •  Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care
  •  Curative In-patient Services
  •  Curative Outpatient Services
  •  Family Planning

Contact below for their packages:

Phone: 020-2312953-4-5 / 2221127, 2227710-1-2-3-4-5


5. The Mombasa Hospital

Location: Off Mama Ngina Drive, next to Treasury Square, Kizingo

Private room costs approx Kshs 16,000 per day.

Contact below for their packages:

Tel: 254 041 2312191 / 2312099 / 2228010/2312190

Mob: 0733333655 / 0722203755
Fax: 254 41 2225086 / 2229254 / 2228711


6. Pandya Memorial Hospital

Location: Kizingo, Mombasa

Their services include:

  1. Antenatal
  2. Antiretroviral Therapy
  3. Basic Emergency Obstetric Care
  4. Caesarean Section
  5. Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care
  6. Curative In-patient Services
  7. Curative Outpatient Services
  8. Family Planning

Contact below for their packages:

Tel: 041-2313577, 2313678, 2223247, 2314140/1
Mobile: 0733-600663, 0722-206424


7. Coast Provincial General Hospital

Location: Bondeni, Kisauni Rd, Mombasa

Their services include: Well baby clinics, Caeserean and Normal delivery, prenantal and antenatal clinic. They also accept NHIF cards.

Contact below for their packages:

Phone: 0722 207868


8. Al Farooq Hospital

Location: Naivasha St, Mombasa

Their services include: antenatal clinic,Reproductive health  & Preventive & Social Medicine and Obstetrician & Gynecologist .

Contact below for their packages:

Landline:   041-2493640 /  041-2490182

Mobile: 0733-800019;  0721-971587

Email: ;


9. Mewa Hospital

Location: Along Lumumba Rd, Opposite Total Petrol Station, Mombasa

It is a project of the Muslim Education and Welfare Association and provides in-patient and out-patient services operating 24 hours a day. Their maternity services cost approximately Kshs 20,000

Contact below for their packages:

Phone: 0722 596203


10. Kilome Maternity and Nursing Home

Location: Emali, Along Nairobi – Mombasa Highway

Their services include:

Maternity services

Ultrasound /scanning Services

Ambulance services

Obstetric and Gynaecology clinic

Maternal and Child health services(mother and child clinic)

Contact them for their packages:

Telephone: 0729-695 395 0721-249 339

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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