Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Code of Regulations for Teachers, regulation 52 (1) provides for the Commission to develop a TPAD which is an open performance appraisal system for teachers in its employment. Teacher Performance and Development (TPAD) has been formed with the intention of strengthening supervision and continuous monitoring of the performance of teachers in the maintenance of the teaching standards at the institutional level.

As such this commission has developed the TPAD system to support the teachers to improve in their teaching competencies and even reward them with appraisals when due. It should be noted that the Teacher Performance and Development (TPAD) is an open appraisal system will allow teachers in both the primary and secondary schools to participate in evaluating their own performance and initiate their professional development.

 You can also read about AON TSC Medical Scheme Registration and How to Add Dependants.

Through this TPAD appraisal and development system, it is envisaged that teachers will become more empowered to regain the lost glory of the teaching profession and earn public confidence and support.

Here below are the terms and date for appraisals which you should have marked on the calendar and if you missed there is still 2019 and 2020 coming for you to register.

AON TSC Medical Insurance Contacts Updated 2019


Term Appraisals              Year Term Appraisee DeadLine          Appraiser Deadline

2019 TERM 1                         5/30/2019                               5/30/2019

2018 TERM 1                          6/1/2018                                6/1/2018

2018 TERM 2                      9/10/2018                                  9/10/2018

2018 TERM 3                        1/6/2019                                  1/6/2019

2017 TERM 1                       5/27/2017                                  5/31/2017

2017 TERM 2                        9/10/2017                                 9/20/2017

2017 TERM 3                       12/3/2017                                   12/31/2017

2016 TERM 2                       12/15/2016                                  12/19/2016

2016 TERM 3                       2/25/2017                                   2/28/2017


However, before logging in to the TPAD system for submissions. You should ensure you have been activated by the Sub-County Director or the head of the institution.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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