Kenya Veterinary Board Approved Animal Health Training Institutions

Kenya Veterinary Board Approved Animal Health Training Institutions


The Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB) is a statutory body established under Section 3 of the Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Paraprofessionals (VSVP) Act, 2011 and is mandated to regulate veterinary training and practices. Pursuant to Section 6 (2) (c) VSVP Act 2011, KVB announces the approved programs in the respective institutions with effect from January 2018.

  1. The University of Nairobi -Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
  2. Egerton University- Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
  3. Egerton University -BSc,- Diploma in Animal Health & Production
  4. Kenyatta University -BSc in Animal Health and Production
  5. JKUAT, Juja- BSc in Animal Health, Production & Processing
  6. Meru University of Science and Technology -BSc in Animal Health and Production
  7. Pwani University, Kilifi -BSc, Diploma in Animal Health and Production
  8. Mount Kenya University, Thika Campus- BSc, Diploma, Certificate in Animal Health and Production
  9. Bukura Agricultural College -Diploma in Animal Health and Production
  10. Kisii University Diploma, -Certificate in Animal Health and Production
  11. Mount Kenya University, Nakuru Campus -Diploma, Certificate in Animal Health and Production
  12. Chuka University Diploma,- Certificate in Animal Health and Production
  13. AHITI-Kabete Diploma, Certificate in Animal Health and Production, Diploma in Animal Health and Range Management, One year Upgrading Course in Animal Health
  14. AHITI-Ndomba Diploma, Certificate in Animal Health and Production
  15. AHITI-Nyahururu Certificate in Animal Health and Production
  16. Bradegate International College, Nyeri Certificate in Animal Health and Production
  17. SLIBRAID, Othaya Certificate in Animal Health and Production
  18. Baraton College, Eldoret Certificate in Animal Health and Production
  19. Livestock Training Institute, Griftu- Wajir Certificate in Animal Health and Range Management

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KEY: AHITI- Animal Health and Industry Training Institute; JKUAT- Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology; SLIBRAID- School of Livestock Breeding Artificial Insemination and Dairy Management


  1. Only the graduates from the approved programmes in the indicated Institutions are eligible for registration by KVB and thus allowed to practice as veterinary surgeons or veterinary paraprofessionals.
  2. The Board may cancel or suspend any approval granted by it to any institution which upon inspection fails to maintain the standards of any course offered. This is pursuant to Section 7 (4) of VSVP Act.
  3. The list of institutions will be updated regularly upon inspection and compliance with the training standards in any other institution not listed above.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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