Thika School of Medical & Health Sciences Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics


Dietitian nutritionists use nutrition and food science to help people improve their health. Nutrition and dietetic technicians work with dietitian nutritionists to provide care and consultation to patients.

Minimum entry requirements

The minimum requirement for admission for the certificate in nutrition and dietetics is a D(PLAIN) in Kenya Certificate in Secondary Education or its equivalent as ascertained with the ministry of Education and any other requirements as ascertained by KNDI.

Minimum entry requirement

Mean grade of D plain at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) level or its equivalent.

MUST have attained;

1. English or  Kiswahili – D
2. Biology – D
3. Chemistry  – D
4.  Anyone between Physics, Mathematics, Home Science, Agriculture, general science -D plain


Also Read: Universities and Colleges in Kenya Offering Diploma In Nutrition And Dietetics

Duration of the program

The duration of the Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics program is two academic years or six trimesters.

Program start dates

Intake for the program is every January, May, and September.

Mode of Learning

  • Regular classes
  • Weekend classes
  • Evening classes
  • School-based every April, August, and December

Career opportunities for nutrition and dietetics students
Our Graduates quickly get employment in a wide range of areas, including:

  • Public and Private Hospitals
  • National Government and Counties ministries (Ministries of Health, Agriculture, Culture and Social Services, Education).
  • Food industries (Kenya Bureau of Standards, Nestle Foods, Uni-Lever)
    Non-Governmental organizations (World Vision, Save the Children, Islamic Relief, UNICEF, OXFAM, etc.).
  • Community-based organizations(CBOs) and Faith-based organizations(FBOs)
  • Academic institutions
  • Hotel and Tourism industries
  • Self-employment


Also Read: Diploma in Nutrition & Dietetics at Nairobi Women's Hospital College

Target groups

  1. Those who have cleared form four.
  2. Health workers, e.g. nurses, clinical officers, public/community health officers

Here is what other people are searching: 

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nutrition and dietetics course outline

entry requirements for nutrition and dietetics

requirements for certificate in nutrition



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Comments (2)

  • at
  • 29/Aug/22 12:39pm

I do my course 2014 I was sick for a moment kindly send me you address or contact

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  • at
  • 26/Feb/24 12:12pm

Hello I'm interested in joining thika but I did my kcse in the year 2011 can I be eligible to enroll this year

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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