Kenyatta National Hospital Pediatrician Consultation Fee

The consultation fee for a pediatrician at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) is Kshs. 1,150. This fee applies to both outpatients and inpatients.

To book an appointment with a pediatrician at KNH, you can call the hospital at 020 2737390. Referral - 0719 510510.  When booking your appointment, you will need to provide your name, date of birth, and insurance information.

Please note that KNH does not accept cash payments for pediatrician consultations. You must pay using M-Pesa.


Do inpatients also book appointments and pay the Pediatrician consultation fee at KNH?

If you are admitted at KNH, even in the special neurosurgery room with your newborn or child, and your child develops a condition, the neurosurgeon will have to call and book an appointment with the pediatrician to come into the ward to diagnose or assess the baby.

Afterward, they will forward your file to the outpatient clinics where you will be booking an appointment to see the pediatrician once you are discharged. 

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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