KMTC Application Form – Kenya Medical Training College Application Form

KMTC Application Form – Kenya Medical Training College Application Form

KMTC application form must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of KShs.2, 000 OR US$50 for non-Kenyans in the form of Banker’s Cheque or National bank deposit slip. Application fee does not guarantee admission

Kenya Medical Training College Application Form should be addressed to:

The Director,
Kenya Medical Training College
P.O Box 30195, 00100
Nairobi, Kenya.

Kenya Medical Training College Fee Structure

There are three fee categories namely:

      1. Regular
      2. Parallel/In-service
      3. Foreign (as detailed in the Current fees structure)

KMTC Self Sponsored Fees Structure

1. Registration Fee 2,000.00
2. Activity Fee 7,000.00
3. Examination Fee 10,000.00
4. Library and ICT services 3,000.00
5. Tuition Fee 70,000.00
6. Research and Development Fee 10,000.00
7. Transport Levy 9,000.00
8. Maintenance Levy 9,000.00
9. Student Identity Card 700.00
TOTAL KSHS. 120,700.00  

KMTC In-service Fees Structure

1. Registration Fee 2,000.00
2. Activity Fee 7,000.00
3. Examination Fee 10,000.00
4. Library and ICT services 3,000.00
5. Tuition Fee 70,000.00
6. Research and Development Fee 10,000.00
7. Transport Levy 9,000.00
8. Maintenance Levy 9,000.00
9. Student Identity Card 700.00
TOTAL KSHS. 120,700.00  

KMTC Regular Fees Structure

1. Registration Fee 2,000.00
2. Activity Fee 7,000.00
3. Examination Fee 10,000.00
4. Library and ICT services 3,000.00
5. Tuition Fee 30,000.00
6. Research and Development Fee 10,000.00
7. Transport Levy 9,000.00
8. Maintenance Levy 9,000.00
9. Student Identity Card 700.00
TOTAL KSHS. 80,700.00  

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kmtc courses offered and qualifications

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Who needs a KMTC Application Form?

A person who wants to join Kenya Medical Training College for training should file this application form in order to be enrolled.

What is KMTC Application Form for?

The KMTC form is an application in which 1) you declare the intention to participate in several educational courses of the college and 2) provide personal information.

Is KMTC Application Form accompanied by other forms?

Before submitting this form, you have to pay cash contribution, the amount of which is specified in the text of the form. Fee’s cheque should be submitted together with the application.

When is KMTC Application Form due?

You must apply before the start of the academic year, in a timeframe that should be clarified by the official website of the institution -

How do I fill out KMTC Application Form?

You should fill out the following information in order to complete KMTC Application Form:

  • Applicant’s Personal Particulars;
  • Course Application Indications;
  • Applicant’s Education Background;
  • Disability Assessment, if any;
  • Application Fee Details.

After all, you should sign and date the form before filing.

Where do I send KMTC Application Form?

Completed and signed form with fee’s cheque should be directed to: The Director, Kenya Medical Training College, P.O Box 30195- 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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