Lang'ata Hospital Laboratory Carrying out Fake Covid-19 Tests

With the awakening of news spreading around the country that some Covid-19 suspected cases test positive in some hospitals but on testing in a different hospital, the results turn negative. 

Amid these speculations and questions from the public, Lang'ata Hospital Laboratory has found itself on the wrong side of the law for allegations of Carrying out Fake Covid-19 Tests. This has prompted the officials from the Kenya Medical Laboratory and Technologists to indefinitely close it down. 

The hospital is allegedly on the spot for colluding with researchers from Kenya Medical Research Insitute staff to conduct and charge for unauthorized Covid-19 tests despite lacking the capacity to carry out the tests. The hospital management has been asking those who want to be tested to pay a fee of kshs 5,500 then ferrying them to Kenya Medical Research Insitute (KEMRI) for the actual test. It now emerges that there was collusion between the Lang'ata Hospital and KEMRI to illegally obtain money from people even though KEMRI is not supposed to charge for Covid-19 tests.

Lang'ata Hospital (Photo credits: NTV)

The hospital was closed down for lying to the citizens that they are carrying out Covid-19 tests when they are actually not testing for the same, instead of ferrying the clients to KEMRI yet the two do not have any memorandum of association for Lang'ata Hospital to carry out the tests or charge the clients.

Also, during the morning raid, it was realized that the hospital had stocked expired chemical reagents for carrying out biochemical tests. A number of HIV/syphilis kits from the Government of Kenya were found yet they should be sold despite the Lang'ata hospital being a private facility. 

The director, chief operation officer laboratory manager and the laboratory technologist were arrested and the 4 will be spending a night in the police cells pending the investigation and charges.



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Date published: 22/09/2017
4.9 / 5 stars