List of Best Dyslexia schools in Kenya

                    Should a child with dyslexia go to a special school?

The decision to send a child with dyslexia to a special school should be made on a case-by-case basis. It is worth noting that Dyslexia falls under the definition of a Special Educational Need. Parents usually refer to children showing difficulty reading and identifying sounds as slow learners. This is wrong because until they take their child to a dyslexia specialist who can asses the child and ascertains the child's dyslexia status, either mild or extreme.


            Should children suffering from dyslexia be taken to slow learners schools in Kenya?

Parents should avoid looking for slow learners' schools in Kenya, instead, they should have their children assessed by a dyslexia specialist.

Schools can offer extra support and assistance to those with dyslexia, allowing them to get intensive help for part of the day while still being able to take part in their regular school curriculum.

1. Kenya Community Centre for Learning

The Kenya Community Centre for Learning is a non-profit facility located in Nairobi County.

It offers educational opportunities to students aged 6 to 21 who have various learning difficulties, regardless of their cultural, economic, or religious backgrounds.

KCCL strives to create an environment where individuals with special needs can explore and realize their academic and personal potential.

Location:  Located off Thika Superhighway, Exit 8 behind Thika Road Mall (TRM)
Contact: 0721 324894

2. Rare Gem Talent Primary School

Rare Gem Talent Primary School is a unique and innovative Primary school located in the heart of Kitengela Town in Kajiado county.

The school caters to the educational needs of children with dyslexia and other special needs.

It also provides a stimulating and supportive learning environment for children to develop their skills and reach their full potential. 


Location: Kitengela town

Contact: 0721 621842


3. Holmeside School - Special Needs Education Centre

This school offers special need education for students not necessarily for dyslexia students. It offers a wide range of social, emotional, and educational support for differently abled students. The Fairmile program provides an array of services to those with special needs including academic, early developmental, paramedical, Sonrise, horse therapy, social therapy, and other extracurricular interventions. They have recently started a sensory integration program that can be used by students enrolled in their school or students from outside.

Location: Waiyaki way, Nairobi, before the sodom bus stop

Contact: 0721 699844


4. Treeside Special School for the MH

Treeside Special School for the Mentally Handicapped is another institution located in the heart of Nairobi city. It is a home for special children, both at primary and secondary levels. It has extensive compound providing an environment for children with mental handicaps to learn, grow and develop. While Treeside special school might not be offering services for dyslexia students, they are a better option for mentally Handicapped students.

Location: Nairobi

Phone:  0724 481606

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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