How to Cure Gonorrhea without going to the Doctor

Because of the perceived shame and long queues of booking doctors, many people opt to look for ways to cure gonorrhea without going to the doctor. While it is possible to treat gonorrhea at home, this is not clinically recommended as it can be difficult to determine the severity of the infection. Self-medication can also lead to antibiotic resistance, which can make the infection more difficult to treat in the future.

Why would anyone want to treat Gonorrhea without seeing a doctor?

There are a variety of reasons why people want to cure gonorrhea without going to the doctor, however, the baseline is that some people may feel embarrassed or ashamed, not having access to a doctor or health insurance, or not having the time to make a doctor's appointment.

However, once you have tested positive after using gonorrhea testing kits at home or laboratory and confirmed a positive result, you can consider several possible options for treating gonorrhea at home.

The several options available include getting visiting a pharmacy outlet or ordering online for a course of antibiotics that will help clear the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium which causes gonorrhea.

Testing of Gonorrhea at home or in the laboratory.

If you are experiencing any symptoms that may indicate gonorrhea, it is important to get tested for both gonorrhea and other STDs.

Testing for gonorrhea is typically included in most basic STD panels and can be done at an urgent care location, a laboratory, or with a kit that can be used at home and then sent to the lab for confirmation.

It is important to get tested if any symptoms are present as many of the symptoms overlap between STDs.


Cost of At-Home Gonorrhea Testing Kits

If you have already had a comprehensive STD panel in the past, you may want to consider an at-home test for gonorrhea. These tests are typically accurate like those done at the laboratory or clinic but their accuracy is rated as less accurate because of several factors such as poor sample handling (rated at 92% accurate). However, they are usually more cost-effective than other options. To use an at-home test, you will need to collect a sample and follow the instructions provided by the test to mail the sample to the appropriate lab. Results are typically received quickly.

The cost of the at-home gonorrhea testing kits ranges from $39 -$190 depending on whether it's a single infection test or a full STD panel. The prices are indicated below


Brand Cost What it tests for
Everlywell $69 Chlamydia, gonorrhea
iCare $39.95 Gonorrhea
Lets Get Checked  $99 Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, HIV, syphilis
My LabBox $189 Bacterial vaginosis, yeast, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea.
Nurx $190 HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis


Can I treat gonorrhea myself?

Yes, you can treat gonorrhea by yourself without necessarily visiting the doctor. However, you must first test positive using a reliable test kit or laboratory. The home remedies shared on the internet will not treat gonorrhea if you don't carefully follow the right dosage and medications. We have not ascertained the severity of the infection at home without the doctor's diagnosis.

Cost of Treating Gonorrhoea

Depending on whether you have insurance or not, the cost of treating gonorrhea can vary between  $4.59-$58.48 or more depending on several factors such as geographical location and severity of the infection. For example, it can be cheaper to treat gonorrhea in some continents such as Asia and Africa than it would cost the same treatment in Europe. Additionally, some people will require a few oral antibiotics while others require intramuscular antibiotic injections to clear up.

Which is the recommended medicine for treating gonorrhea.

If you have been diagnosed with gonorrhea, the CDC recommends one intramuscular injection of Ceftriaxone as the treatment. This injection must be administered by a licensed healthcare provider, and the associated cost will depend on the clinic and provider rates.

If you are allergic to Ceftriaxone or unable to receive an injection, alternatives such as Gentamicin combined with Azithromycin or Cefixime.

Suprax (Cefixime) and Azithromycin are the two recommended antibiotics for treating urogenital, rectal, and throat gonorrhea in both women and men. It should be taken as a single dose.

This tells you that there are several places gonorrhea can attack. It can be lodged in the mouth, rectal area, and urogenital areas.

Ceftriaxone  500 mg  Intramuscular injection $4.59-$48.48


Can I treat gonorrhea with just antibiotics tablets?

Yes, antibiotics are the only way to effectively treat gonorrhea. Antibiotics are usually prescribed in the form of a pill, but can also be administered via an injection.

It's sometimes possible to have an antibiotic tablet instead of an injection if you prefer. The gonorrhea symptoms will improve within a few days, although it may take up to 2 weeks for any pain within the pelvic area to improve and eventually disappear completely.

A recommended antibiotic for gonorrhea treatment

The CDC recommends using a single dose of 500 mg of intramuscular ceftriaxone but you can use Suprax (Cefixime) and Azithromycin.


Summary of treating Gonorrhoea without doctor

You can treat gonorrhea without going to the doctor by using a single dose of 500 mg of intramuscular ceftriaxone which can be administered by urgent care. Or use Gentamicin combined with Azithromycin or Cefixime as recommended by CDC. 

A test to confirm the cure of a throat infection is necessary 7-14 days after treatment has been completed.

It is also recommended that people with gonorrhea receive a retest three months post-treatment of their initial infection, regardless of whether their sexual partners also received treatment. This is due to the possibility of re-infection.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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