Miscarriage Treatment in Kenya

Miscarriage treatment in Kenya depends on the stage of the miscarriage and the patient's preferences. Sometimes miscarriage happens and you are there wondering what to do after miscarriage. Do not let those thoughts take a toll on you. You can get treatment for miscarriage in Kenya. There are two main types of miscarriage treatment:
  • Medical management: This involves taking medication to cause the body to miscarry. Medical management is usually the preferred treatment for early miscarriages.
  • Surgical management: This involves a procedure called a dilation and curettage (D&C) to remove the remaining tissue from the uterus. Surgical management is usually the preferred treatment for later miscarriages or for medical management that has failed.

Medical management of miscarriage in Kenya

Medical management of miscarriage is available at most hospitals and clinics in Kenya. The medication used is typically misoprostol, which is a prostaglandin that causes the cervix to dilate and the uterus to contract.

To receive medical management for miscarriage, a woman will need to see a doctor or nurse who will confirm the miscarriage and determine if she is a candidate for medical management. If she is, she will be given the medication to take orally or vaginally.

The medication will typically cause the miscarriage to start within 24-48 hours. The miscarriage may be accompanied by bleeding, cramping, and passing of tissue. Most miscarriages are complete within 4-7 days.

Surgical management of miscarriage in Kenya

Surgical management of miscarriage is also available at most hospitals and clinics in Kenya. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia.

During a D&C, the doctor will dilate the cervix and insert a curette, which is a thin, spoon-shaped instrument, into the uterus. The doctor will then use the curette to remove the remaining tissue from the uterus.

A D&C typically takes 15-30 minutes to complete. Most women can go home on the same day as the procedure.

Which miscarriage treatment is right for you?

The best miscarriage treatment for you depends on your individual circumstances. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.

Miscarriage support in Kenya

There are a number of organizations in Kenya that offer support to women who have experienced a miscarriage. These organizations can provide information, emotional support, and practical help.

Here are some examples of organizations that offer miscarriage support in Kenya:

  • Marie Stopes Kenya
  • Planned Parenthood Global
  • Reproductive Health Network Kenya
  • International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
  • PSI Kenya

Please know that you are not alone. Miscarriage is a common experience, and there are many people who can help you through this difficult time.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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