Nairobi County health officials raid Tuskys over meat allegedly containing chemicals


Nairobi County health officials on Thursday raided Tuskys on Kenyatta Avenue for selling meat allegedly found to contain harmful additives.

According to sources who spoke to Citizen, the County Health Inspectorate reportedly bought meat from the outlet at the beginning of the week and took it for testing.

The test results reportedly confirmed that the meat had large amounts of preservative Sodium Metabisulfite.



The county health department has reportedly also locked down 7 different meat outlets in Nairobi which had similar results.

The inspections are set to continue to all food outlets within the country.

Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua had earlier on also shut down meat sections of all Naivas Supermarket outlets in Machakos County.


This is after a laboratory test on a sample of meat sold at Naivas Supermarket at Gateway Mall in Mavoko was allegedly found to contain a harmful additive.

The actions by Nairobi and Machakos counties follow a media report exposing how supermarkets and other meat vendors are using chemicals to make stale meat appear fresh.


The exposé by NTV revealed that meat samples at undisclosed supermarkets contained high levels of Sodium Metabisulfite.



IN ADDITION, Naivas Supermarket has now suspended the sale of red meat across all its stores countrywide pending the results of independent testing.

The supermarket, in a statement to newsrooms on Thursday, stated that the whole stock of red meat will be subjected to a thorough independent lab test and a step-by-step verification of each participant along the whole meat value chain.

Willy Kimani, the Naivas Chief Commercial Officer, said: “We will only be selling white meat for now in all our butcheries.”

He further added that the outlet is presently cooperating with national and county government agencies to address the issue.

The decision comes after Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua on Thursday shut down meat sectionsof all Naivas Supermarket outlets in Machakos County.

This is after a laboratory test on a sample of meat sold at Naivas Supermarket at Gateway Mall in Mavoko was allegedly found to contain a harmful additive.


Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko also closed down meat outlets in six major supermarkets in Nairobi after samples revealed excess preservatives in the meat.

Among the supermarkets included Naivas limited Buruburu, Muthaiga fine Meat Limited, and Tuskys Kenyatta Avenue.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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