Salary of Secondary School Teachers in Kenya

Secondary school teacher salary: How much does a secondary school teacher earn in Kenya?

According to the CBA, starting July 2019, teachers salaries would increase to between Sh. 55,909 and Sh. 58,171 upon the implementation of the third phase of the CBA. Senior headteacher, senior master II and deputy principal IV, who all fall in job group M, would also reap big. They currently take home between Sh. 66,177 and Sh. 80,242 but their salaries would rise to between Sh. 77,840 and Sh. 82,717.

Principals of secondary schools currently in job group M and N and who earn between Sh. 77,840 and Sh. 90,612 would also have their salaries raised to between Sh. 93,850 and Sh. 102,807.

The following are salary scales for other secondary school teachers:


 Secondary teacher I: 29,285- 47,896 shillings

Secondary teacher II: 21,719- 42,642 shillings

Secondary teacher III: 25,929- 31,956 shillings


Secondary school teacher salary: Job Description for High School Teacher

High school teachers, also called secondary school teachers, provide instruction to students in one or more areas of study within a public or private high school. They may also supervise extracurricular activities, proctor state testing exams, assist with college preparation (such as by writing letters of recommendation), organize field trips, and supervise study hall and/or detention, among other duties. High school teachers prepare lessons to deliver to students, as well as present the lessons in a way that students can easily understand. They must check students’ learning with methods such as homework, tests, group work and student presentations. High school teachers must grade students’ work in a timely manner, providing feedback that students can use in the class and later in their education.

High school teachers generally work indoors teaching multiple classes over the course of the workday. They often conduct additional activities – such as lesson planning and grading – outside of school hours. Extracurricular activities may require high school teachers to work outside of school hours – and potentially outside of school grounds – as well. They may also need to meet with parents to discuss students’ performance and conduct.

bachelor’s degree is generally required in the subject in which the teacher wants to instruct; additional requirements vary by state and may include a master’s degree, teacher preparation program and/or licensing. High school teachers must work well with students, fellow teachers, school administrators and parents. Proficiency with basic computer programs is typically needed, and teachers must stay up to date with teaching methodologies and changes in their field.

TSC Teachers Salary Scales in Kenya  in 2019 are presented below in form of a table. The highest paid teacher in Kenya is the chief principal who takes home Ksh 200,928 while the lowest earning teacher pockets Ksh 16,692 per month.

The salaries of teachers depend on the grades allocated based on the qualifications of a teacher. Most teachers in primary are in job groups G to L where the salary range is Ksh 16,692 to Ksh 71,880 per month. Nearly all high school teachers earn between Ksh 40,000 and Ksh 100,000 per month.

Below is a table showing the salaries teachers in Kenya earn as of 2019:

Civil Service Job Group Teachers
Basic Salary Common Allowances Gross Salary
Min. Max. House Commuter Min. Max.
G P1 16,692 21,304 5,000 4,000 25,692 30,304
H ATS IV 19,323 24,662 5,000 4,000 28,323 33,662
J GAT III 24,662 29,918 6,000 4,000 34,662 39,918
K GAT II 31,020 41,590 10,000 5,000 46,020 56,590
L GAT I 35,910 45,880 20,000 6,000 61,910 71,880
M Senior GAT 41,590 55,840 20,000 8,000 69,590 83,840
N Principal GAT II 48,190 65,290 24,000 8,000 80,190 97,290
P Principal GAT I 77,527 103,894 40,000 12,000 129,527 155,894
Q Senior Principal 89,748 120,270 40,000 14,000 143,748 174,270
R Chief Principal 109,089 144,928 40,000 16,000 165,089 200,928

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  • 26/Apr/22 08:22am

I am a teacher in Uganda with a certificate in teacher's education.How can I become a teacher in Kenya?

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  • 10/Aug/23 08:52am

Apply for TSC number and apply for a job

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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