DIPLOMA IN NUTRITION AND DIETETICS at Thika School of Medical and Health Sciences 

Admission requirements

The minimum requirement for admission for Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics is a C-(MINUS) in Kenya Certificate in Secondary Education or its equivalent as ascertained with the ministry of Education and any other requirements as ascertained by KNDI.

Minimum entry requirement

Mean grade of C- at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) level or its equivalent.

MUST have attained;

1. English or  Kiswahili – D+
2. Biology – D+
3. Chemistry  – D+
4.  Anyone between Physics, Mathematics, Home Science, Agriculture, general science -D plain

The college shall consider exceptions and Credit transfers
Program duration

The diploma in nutrition and dietetics is offered over a minimum period of nine(9) trimesters or three academic years. Each academic year consists of three trimesters.

Program start dates

Intake for the program is every January, May, and September.

Mode of Learning

  • Regular classes
  • Weekend classes
  • Evening classes
  • School-based every April, August, and December

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Comments (3)

  • at
  • 16/Jul/22 08:58pm

Please send application and fee structure.Also grade required for this course

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  • at
  • 01/Feb/23 08:36pm

I really wanted to join your college and do a Diploma on nutrition and dietetics but I really need some cralification on some issues can I have your contact please

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  • at
  • 19/May/23 07:43pm

I needed to enroll your campus to pursue diploma in nutrition and dietetics,is there still a chance or am late

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Date published: 22/09/2017
4.9 / 5 stars