Top 400 schools KCSE 2023/2024 and TOP 100.

TOP 400 SCHOOLS IN 2023 KCSE and Top 100 schools KCSE 2023/2024
Position Nationally Name of School Region County Mean Score Mean Grade Knec Code
TOP 100 HIGH SCHOOLS IN K.C.S.E 2023. - YouTube
1 NYAMBARIA SCHOOL NYANZA Nyamira 10.897 A-{minus} 43700008
2 CARDINAL OTUNGA NYANZA Kisii 10.76 A-{minus} 40745101
3 Kokuro Boys NYANZA Migori 10.68 A-{minus}
4 ALLIANCE GIRLS Central Kiambu 10.52 A-{minus} 44739101
5 ST Brigids Girls High KIMININI Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia 10.5 A-{minus} 11200002
6 Strathmore School Nairobi Nairobi 10.5 A-{minus} 23500003
7 PANGANI GIRLS Nairobi Nairobi 10.49 B+{plus} 20406020
8 NAKURU BOYS HIGH Rift Valley Nakuru 10.42 B+{plus} 20400006
9 ASUMBI GIRLS NYANZA Homa Bay 10.377 B+{plus} 27500002
10 Mang’u High Central Kiambu 10.336 B+{plus} 41700004
11 St. Anthonys Boys Kitale Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia 10.33 B+{plus} 11200003
12 GONZAGA GONZA NYANZA Nyamira 10.3 B+{plus} 23503101
13 Mudasa Academy WESTERN Vihiga 10.3 B+{plus}
14 MUDASA ACADEMY WESTERN Vihiga 10.3 B+{plus}
15 ST. PAULS IGONGA NYANZA Kisii 10.24 B+{plus}
16 Igonga DOK Secondary NYANZA Kisii 10.24 B+{plus}
17 Alliance High School Central Kiambu 10.2 B+{plus}
18 Moi High School Kabarak Rift Valley Nakuru 10.13 B+{plus} 11200001
19 Kapsabet High Rift Valley Nandi 10.083 B+{plus}
20 Kisumu Day Secondary NYANZA kisumu 10.074 B+{plus}
21 Moi Girls Eldoret Rift Valley Uasin Gishu 10.06 B+{plus}
22 KANGA HIGH NYANZA Migori 9.97 B+{plus}
23 KAAGA GIRLS Eastern meru 9.96 B+{plus}
24 Kenya High School Nairobi Nairobi 9.95 B+{plus}
25 Matinyani Secondary Eastern Kitui 9.942 B+{plus}
26 St Brigids Girls High Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia 9.92 B+{plus}
27 ORERO BOYS NYANZA Homa Bay 9.906 B+{plus}
28 Light Academy Mombasa Coast Mombasa 9.9 B+{plus}
29 Samoei Boys High Rift Valley Nandi 9.89 B+{plus}
30 CHEPWAGAN BOYS Rift Valley Kericho 9.7474 B+{plus}
31 Chebwagan high Rift Valley Kericho 9.74 B+{plus}
32 MASENO SCHOOL NYANZA Kisumu 9.663 B+{plus}
33 Ogande Girls NYANZA Homa Bay 9.62 B+{plus}
34 Sawagongo High NYANZA Siaya 9.619 B+{plus}
35 Kagumo High Central Nyeri 9.58 B+{plus}
36 Murang’a High Central Murang’a 9.55 B+{plus}
37 Nairobi School Nairobi Nairobi 9.543 B+{plus}
38 MARANDA SCHOOL NYANZA Siaya 9.541 B+{plus}
39 Nyakongo boys NYANZA Nyamira 9.54 B+{plus}
40 MERU SCHOOL Eastern Meru 9.52 B+{plus}
41 ST PATRICKS MAKUNGA Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia 9.5 B+{plus}
42 Cheborge Boys Rift Valley Kericho 9.44 B{plain}
43 Bishop Linus Okok girls NYANZA Homa Bay 9.43 B{plain}
44 Light Academy Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi 9.39 B{plain}
45 CHEBORGE GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 9.3754 B{plain}
46 Korongoi Girls Rift Valley Kericho 9.36 B{plain}
47 Lelwak boys Rift Valley Nandi 9.344 B{plain}
48 KIPSIGIS GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Kericho 9.3154 B{plain}
49 Kitui School Eastern Kitui 9.312 B{plain}
50 Nyalenda Secondary NYANZA Homa Bay 9.3 B{plain}
51 Butula Boys WESTERN Busia 9.287 B{plain}
52 MOBAMBA HIGH NYANZA Kisii 9.284 B{plain}
53 Sigoti Complex NYANZA Kisumu 9.27 B{plain}
54 STAREHE BOYS CENTRE Nairobi Nairobi 9.27 B{plain}
55 ST.MARKS CHERANG’ANI WESTERN Tranz Nzoia 9.2517 B{plain}
56 Friends School Kakamega WESTERN Kakamega 9.2473 B{plain}
57 Mt Carmel girls Eastern Makueni 9.2353 B{plain}
58 MaryHill Girls Central Kiambu 9.23 B{plain}
59 Kiage Tumaini High NYANZA Kisii 9.23 B{plain}
60 Saye Mixed NYANZA Homa Bay 9.22 B{plain}
61 Kabianga High Rift Valley Kericho 9.2162 B{plain}
62 Moi Tea Girls High School Rift Valley Kericho 9.21 B{plain}
63 OSSEN GIRLS HIGH Rift Valley Baringo 9.2 B{plain}
64 ST MARKS CHERANGANY Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia 9.2 B{plain}
65 Tombe Girls Secondary NYANZA Nyamira 9.1765 B{plain}
66 MBITA HIGH NYANZA Homa Bay 9.157 B{plain}
67 KATHIANI GIRLS HIGH Eastern Machakos 9.1235 B{plain}
68 KISII SCHOOL NYANZA Kisii 9.12 B{plain}
69 MWONGORI HIGH NYANZA Nyamira 9.119 B{plain}
70 KUURA SEC NYANZA Nyamira 9.11 B{plain}
71 St Clare Girls Secondary Rift Valley Nakuru 9.1 B{plain}
72 ANDERSEN HIGH Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia 9.1 B{plain}
74 St Pauls Gekano Boys NYANZA Nyamira 9.0634 B{plain}
75 NYANSIONGO HIGH NYANZA Nyamira 9.053 B{plain}
76 WANG’APALA BOYS NYANZA Homa Bay 9.04 B{plain}
77 Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Coast Mombasa 9 B{plain}
78 RIGOKO ELCK NYANZA Nyamira 9 B{plain}
79 Kapsabet Girls Rift Valley Nandi 8.98 B{plain}
80 Metkei Girls High Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 8.96 B{plain}
81 AGORO SARE NYANZA Homa Bay 8.935 B{plain}
82 Kibabii Boys High WESTERN Bungoma 8.93 B{plain}
83 Mbooni Girls Eastern Makueni 8.911 B{plain}
84 Nanyuki High School Rift Valley Laikipia 8.89 B{plain}
85 MENYENYA SDA NYANZA Nyamira 8.871 B{plain}
86 Ruth Kiptui Girls Kasok Rift Valley Baringo 8.87 B{plain}
87 Moteiribe Secondary NYANZA Kisii 8.859 B{plain}
88 KEBIRIGO BOYS NYANZA Nyamira 8.842 B{plain}
89 Arabuko Forest High Coast Kilifi 8.84 B{plain}
90 Nyamagwa girls NYANZA Kisii 8.823 B{plain}
91 RUTH KIPTUI GIRLS Rift Valley Baringo 8.8 B{plain}
92 ST JOSEPHS BOYS Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia 8.8 B{plain}
93 DERTU SECONDARY SCHOOL North Eastern Garissa 8.8 B{plain}
94 BUNYORE GIRLS WESTERN Vihiga 8.8 B{plain}
95 Meteitei Secondary Rift Valley Nandi 8.77 B{plain}
96 Qubaa Muslim Secondary Coast Mombasa 8.76 B{plain}
97 OLOOLAISER HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Kajiado 8.76 B{plain}
98 TENWEK HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Bomet 8.7561 B{plain}
99 KABARE GIRLS Central Kirinyaga 8.734 B{plain}
100 MUGOIRI GIRLS Central Murang’a 8.731 B{plain}
101 BUTERE GIRLS WESTERN Kakamega 8.727 B{plain}
102 NYAIKURO MIXED SEC NYANZA Nyamira 8.71 B{plain}
103 Got Rateng’ Mixed NYANZA Homa Bay 8.7 B{plain}
104 Chemelil Sugar Academy NYANZA Kisumu 8.69 B{plain}
105 LUGULU GIRLS WESTERN Bungoma 8.655 B{plain}
106 St Andrew Kaggwa Girls High NYANZA Nyamira 8.648 B{plain}
107 MOI HIGH SCHOOL MBIRURI Eastern Embu 8.6451 B{plain}
108 NYABURURU GIRLS NYANZA Kisii 8.631 B{plain}
109 Nyabite DOK Secondary NYANZA Kisii 8.601 B{plain}
110 NYAKOIBA HIGH NYANZA Kisii 8.6 B{plain}
111 Ober Boys NYANZA Homa Bay 8.6 B{plain}
112 Nyangajo Girls NYANZA Homa Bay 8.6 B{plain}
113 Dr Aggrey School Coast Taita Taveta 8.6 B{plain}
114 SEGERO ADVENTIST Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia 8.6 B{plain}
115 AIC Sombe Girls Eastern Kitui 8.545 B{plain}
116 IGEMBE BOYS Eastern Meru 8.52 B{plain}
117 Kianungu Mixed NYANZA Nyamira 8.5 B{plain}
118 RAPOGI HIGH NYANZA Migori 8.489 B-{minus)
119 Kisumu Girls NYANZA Kisumu 8.47 B-{minus)
120 MANGA GIRLS NYANZA Nyamira 8.4 B-{minus)
121 Dudi Girls NYANZA Homa Bay 8.4 B-{minus)
122 Kwale High School Coast Kwale 8.4 B-{minus)
123 Mwaghogho Boys School Coast Taita Taveta 8.4 B-{minus)
124 TABAGON GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Baringo 8.4 B-{minus)
125 MAKUENI BOYS Eastern Makueni 8.399 B-{minus)
126 St. Patrick’s iten Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 8.369 B-{minus)
127 Lenana School Nairobi Nairobi 8.3596 B-{minus)
128 NYAKEMINCHA SEC NYANZA Nyamira 8.35 B-{minus)
129 Koru Girls NYANZA kisumu 8.3465 B-{minus)
130 KIPKELION GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 8.3335 B-{minus)
131 NYANSABAKWA BOYS NYANZA Nyamira 8.316 B-{minus)
132 Bishop Abiero NYANZA Kisumu 8.3 B-{minus)
133 BARINGO HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Baringo 8.3 B-{minus)
134 BOGICHONCHO PAG NYANZA Kisii 8.275 B-{minus)
135 Manyatta Mixed Day North Eastern Marsabit 8.275 B-{minus)
136 MANYATTA MIXED SECONDARY North Eastern Marsabit 8.275 B-{minus)
137 ST DANIEL COMBONI KAPTABUK BOYS Rift Valley West Pokot 8.2556 B-{minus)
138 BUSIADA GIRLS WESTERN Busia 8.247 B-{minus)
139 Kenyatta High School- Mwatate Coast Taita Taveta 8.23 B-{minus)
140 SACHO HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Baringo 8.23 B-{minus)
141 KAKAMEGA SCHOOL WESTERN Kakamega 8.228 B-{minus)
142 Rang’ala Girls NYANZA Siaya 8.2264 B-{minus)
143 RAN’GALA GIRLS NYANZA Siaya 8.226 B-{minus)
144 MATUTU PAG SEC NYANZA Nyamira 8.2 B-{minus)
145 Mirogi Boys NYANZA Homa Bay 8.2 B-{minus)
146 Obera Boys NYANZA Homa Bay 8.2 B-{minus)
147 ST JOSEPHS GIRLS Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia 8.2 B-{minus)
148 ST CHARLES LWANGA SCHOOL KITUI Eastern Kitui 8.18 B-{minus)
149 St. Charles Lwanga Eastern Kitui 8.18 B-{minus)
150 KIABONYORU HIGH NYANZA Nyamira 8.17 B-{minus)
151 Ulanda Girls NYANZA Migori 8.17 B-{minus)
152 Nkubu High Eastern Meru 8.1693 B-{minus)
153 Our Lady of Lourdres Turbo Girls Rift Valley Uasin Gishu 8.14 B-{minus)
154 RAN’GALA BOYS NYANZA Siaya 8.117 B-{minus)
155 MUTHALE GIRLS HIGH Eastern kitui 8.11 B-{minus)
156 Miathene Boys Eastern Meru 8.101 B-{minus)
157 PeHill Boys NYANZA Migori 8.1 B-{minus)
158 Gendia High NYANZA Homa Bay 8.1 B-{minus)
159 NYACHURURU SEC NYANZA Nyamira 8.08 B-{minus)
160 HEILU MIXED SECONDARY North Eastern Marsabit 8.08 B-{minus)
161 KEBABE GIRLS NYANZA Nyamira 8.07 B-{minus)
162 SAMETA HIGH NYANZA Kisii 8.0637 B-{minus)
163 KIMUGUI BOYS WESTERN Bungoma 8.05 B-{minus)
164 Olbutyo Boys Rift Valley Bomet 8.03 B-{minus)
165 NYABISASE MIXED NYANZA Kisii 8.025 B-{minus)
166 AMASEGE SDA NYANZA Kisii 8.023 B-{minus)
167 AMABUKO SEC NYANZA Kisii 8.011 B-{minus)
168 MACHAKOS BOYS Eastern Machakos 8.0081 B-{minus)
169 GEDI HIGH SCHOOL North Eastern Garissa 8 B-{minus)
170 Gekano Girls NYANZA Nyamira 7.972 B-{minus)
171 LITEINI HIGH Rift Valley Kericho 7.9656 B-{minus)
172 KISASI SECONDARY Eastern kitui 7.965 B-{minus)
173 TENGECHA GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 7.9595 B-{minus)
174 St Bernabas Kombewa NYANZA Kisumu 7.93 B-{minus)
175 Ramba Boys NYANZA Siaya 7.924 B-{minus)
176 Precious Blood Kilungu Eastern Makueni 7.92 B-{minus)
177 Chavakali High WESTERN Vihiga 7.912 B-{minus)
178 KYANG’ONDU SECONDARY Eastern Makueni 7.905 B-{minus)
179 Utumishi Boys Academy Rift Valley Nakuru 7.894 B-{minus)
180 MANDERA SECONDARY North Eastern MANDERA 7.8826 B-{minus)
181 Matongo Boys NYANZA Nyamira 7.86 B-{minus)
182 PAUL BOIT HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Uasin Gishu 7.8542 B-{minus)
183 Moi Siongiroi High Rift Valley Bomet 7.85 B-{minus)
184 Riokindo Boys NYANZA Kisii 7.83 B-{minus)
185 Onjiko Boys NYANZA Kisumu 7.82 B-{minus)
186 NYANG’ORI HIGH NYANZA kisumu 7.8143 B-{minus)
187 NYERI HIGH Central Nyeri 7.81 B-{minus)
188 Nyamira Boys NYANZA Nyamira 7.806 B-{minus)
189 Ridore Mixed NYANZA Kisumu 7.8 B-{minus)
190 WAYAM SECONDARY North Eastern MANDERA 7.8 B-{minus)
191 Maroo Esinde NYANZA Kisii 7.795 B-{minus)
192 Kaplong Girls High School Rift Valley Bomet 7.792 B-{minus)
193 SINYOLO GIRLS NYANZA kisumu 7.7753 B-{minus)
194 LAFEY SECONDARY North Eastern MANDERA 7.77 B-{minus)
195 OLKIRIANE SECONDARY SCHOOL Rift Valley NAROK 7.768 B-{minus)
196 KUNYAK SECONDARY Rift Valley Kericho 7.7647 B-{minus)
197 ST JOSEPHS BIEGO SECONDARY NYANZA Nyamira 7.7647 B-{minus)
198 Magwar Model NYANZA Kisumu 7.76 B-{minus)
199 CARING HEARTS HIGH SCHOOL Eastern Machakos 7.76 B-{minus)
200 RUTH KIPTUI GIRLS Rift Valley Baringo 7.732 B-{minus)
201 CARDINAL OTUNGA GIRLS WESTERN Bungoma 7.70504 B-{minus)
202 Lwak Girls NYANZA Siaya 7.7 B-{minus)
203 Gesiaga High NYANZA Nyamira 7.6954 B-{minus)
204 Sironga Girls NYANZA Nyamira 7.69 B-{minus)
205 Omwari Secondary NYANZA Kisii 7.647 B-{minus)
206 CHEBARA BOYS Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 7.645 B-{minus)
207 DARUL HIKMA North Eastern MANDERA 7.62 B-{minus)
208 Nyamiranga SDA NYANZA Nyamira 7.6125 B-{minus)
209 Bishop Colin Davies Senior Rift Valley Narok 7.6 B-{minus)
210 KATILU BOYS Rift Valley Turkana 7.5855 B-{minus)
211 KHASOKO BOYS WESTERN Bungoma 7.5794 B-{minus)
212 Bura Girls High School, Mwatate Coast Taita Taveta 7.571 B-{minus)
213 UZALENDO SCHOOL Rift Valley Baringo 7.57 B-{minus)
214 MITUA GIRLS WESTERN Bungoma 7.52 B-{minus)
215 Ugenya High NYANZA Siaya 7.5 B-{minus)
216 ACK Rae Girls NYANZA kisumu 7.5 B-{minus)
217 St Mary’s Yala NYANZA Siaya 7.5 B-{minus)
218 HOMA BAY HIGH SCHOOL NYANZA Homa Bay 7.5 B-{minus)
219 Moi Gesusu NYANZA Kisii 7.49 C+{plus}
220 St. Josephs Kibwezi Eastern Makueni 7.488 C+{plus}
221 ST JOSEPHS KIBWEZI Eastern Makueni 7.488 C+{plus}
222 KAPSOIT SECONDARY Rift Valley Kericho 7.4858 C+{plus}
223 SANTA MARIA GIRLS CHEPTULON Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 7.4834 C+{plus}
224 MISYANI GIRLS HIGH Eastern Machakos 7.4823 C+{plus}
225 Mokubo Secondary NYANZA Kisii 7.46 C+{plus}
226 KANYAWANGA HIGH NYANZA Migori 7.45 C+{plus}
227 RINGA BOYS NYANZA Homa Bay 7.44 C+{plus}
229 AIC LITEIN GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 7.4 C+{plus}
230 KOLANYA BOYS WESTERN Busia 7.3806 C+{plus}
231 SA KOLANYA BOYS HIGH WESTERN Bungoma 7.38 C+{plus}
232 Matuga Girls High School Coast Kwale 7.36 C+{plus}
233 NALONDO GIRLS WESTERN Bungoma 7.36 C+{plus}
234 GEKONGE SECONDARY NYANZA Nyamira 7.35 C+{plus}
235 ST JOSEPHS CHEPTERIT GIRLS Rift Valley Nandi 7.3356 C+{plus}
236 KOLANYA GIRLS WESTERN Busia 7.3247 C+{plus}
237 BUKHALALIRE WESTERN Busia 7.3125 C+{plus}
238 Kereri Girls High NYANZA Kisii 7.312 C+{plus}
239 Nyakeore Mixed NYANZA Nyamira 7.302 C+{plus}
240 Riooga Secondary NYANZA Kisii 7.3 C+{plus}
241 KAPROPITA GIRLS HIGH Rift Valley Baringo 7.3 C+{plus}
242 Riyabe Secondary NYANZA Nyamira 7.291 C+{plus}
243 CHEPKECHEI BOYS Rift Valley Kericho 7.281 C+{plus}
244 Itierio Girls NYANZA Kisii 7.28 C+{plus}
245 NYABONDO BOYS NYANZA Kisumu 7.26 C+{plus}
246 TENGECHA BOYS Rift Valley Kericho 7.2423 C+{plus}
247 CHINGA BOYS Central Nyeri 7.213 C+{plus}
248 Mwaani Girls Eastern Makueni 7.209 C+{plus}
249 Saseta Girls High Rift Valley Bomet 7.207 C+{plus}
250 AHERO GIRLS NYANZA Kisumu 7.2 C+{plus}
251 WIRE MIXED NYANZA Homa Bay 7.2 C+{plus}
252 DANABA MIXED North Eastern Wajir 7.2 C+{plus}
254 Kiabonyoru Girls NYANZA Nyamira 7.1982 C+{plus}
255 SIGALAME BOYS WESTERN Busia 7.192 C+{plus}
256 ST ANNES BUNYALA WESTERN Busia 7.1915 C+{plus}
257 Chesamisi High WESTERN Bungoma 7.186 C+{plus}
258 Kaaga Boys Eastern Meru 7.1837 C+{plus}
259 Kavingoni Secondary Eastern Makueni 7.181 C+{plus}
260 Kisau Girls Eastern Makueni 7.165 C+{plus}
261 Othaya Boys High Central Nyeri 7.1445 C+{plus}
262 Machakos Girls Eastern Machakos 7.1406 C+{plus}
263 AIC Gietai Girls NYANZA Nyamira 7.13 C+{plus}
264 Kanjuri High School Central Nyeri 7.1289 C+{plus}
265 Moi Kapsowar Girls Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 7.1282 C+{plus}
266 Gelegele girls Rift Valley Bomet 7.12 C+{plus}
267 Makueni Girls Eastern Makueni 7.102 C+{plus}
269 MOI GIRLS VOKOLI WESTERN Vihiga 7.1 C+{plus}
270 Bahari Girls Coast Kilifi 7.0947 C+{plus}
271 TEREMI HIGH SCHOOL WESTERN Bungoma 7.09 C+{plus}
272 St Mathias Mulumba Girls NYANZA Nyamira 7.078 C+{plus}
273 Kaumoni Boys Eastern Makueni 7.065 C+{plus}
274 Moi Girls Sindo NYANZA Homa Bay 7.063 C+{plus}
275 SHIMPIR SECONDARY North Eastern MANDERA 7.06 C+{plus}
276 BUTIYE MIXED SECONDARY North Eastern Marsabit 7.059 C+{plus}
277 Ibacho High NYANZA Kisii 7.053 C+{plus}
278 KARONDILLE SECONDARY SCHOOL North Eastern Marsabit 7.05 C+{plus}
279 THE KITONDO SCHOOL Eastern Makueni 7.04 C+{plus}
280 Kitondo school Eastern Makueni 7.04 C+{plus}
281 EMINING HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Baringo 7.03 C+{plus}
282 Nyamagwa Boys NYANZA Kisii 7.0269 C+{plus}
283 OUR Lady of Assumption tawa Eastern Makueni 7.02 C+{plus}
284 KERICHO HIGH Rift Valley Kericho 7.017 C+{plus}
285 KIMULOT BOYS HIGH Rift Valley Bomet 7.005 C+{plus}
286 Ichuni girls NYANZA Kisii 7 C+{plus}
287 CHEBUYUSI HIGH WESTERN Kakamega 7 C+{plus}
288 SHEIKH ALI SECONDARY North Eastern MANDERA 6.99 C+{plus}
289 MOI GIRLS MARSABIT North Eastern Marsabit 6.988 C+{plus}
290 Gikurune Boys Eastern Meru 6.987 C+{plus}
291 Kabaa High Eastern Machakos 6.98 C+{plus}
292 SAMBIRIR GIRLS Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 6.97 C+{plus}
293 Maua Girls High Eastern Meru 6.96 C+{plus}
294 OYUGI OGANGO SECONDARY NYANZA Migori 6.9593 C+{plus}
295 ST ANGELAS GIRLS SECONDARY Eastern Kitui 6.935 C+{plus}
296 VIHIGA BOYS WESTERN Vihiga 6.89 C+{plus}
297 ALGANI GIRLS North Eastern ISIOLO 6.80357 C+{plus}
298 BANISA MIXED SECONDARY North Eastern MANDERA 6.77 C+{plus}
299 BELGUT STAREHE GIRLS HIGH Rift Valley Kericho 6.742 C+{plus}
301 Heni Secondary Central Nyandarua 6.695 C+{plus}
302 EMUSIRE HIGH SCHOOL WESTERN Vihiga 6.616 C+{plus}
303 KOIWA BOYS Rift Valley Bomet 6.6 C+{plus}
304 SOUTH TETU GIRLS Central Nyeri 6.599 C+{plus}
305 CHWELE SECONDARY WESTERN Bungoma 6.5966 C+{plus}
306 CHEBUKAKA SECONDARY WESTERN Bungoma 6.5865 C+{plus}
308 KAMUNGEI SECONDARY Rift Valley Bomet 6.56 C+{plus}
309 Nyakach Girls NYANZA KISUMU 6.5574 C+{plus}
310 SINGORE GIRLS Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 6.54 C+{plus}
311 ST LUKES’ WESTERN Bungoma 6.516 C+{plus}
312 NANGINA GIRLS WESTERN Busia 6.5054 C+{plus}
313 MBOONI BOYS HIGH Eastern Makueni 6.5 #VALUE!
314 KATHEKA BOYS SECONDARY Eastern Kitui 6.4818 C (plain)
315 Mpeketoni Boys High school Coast LAMU 6.46 C (plain)
316 MASINGA BOYS HIGH Eastern Machakos 6.455 C (plain)
317 NDARAWETA GIRLS Rift Valley Bomet 6.45 C (plain)
318 KOLOWA HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Baringo 6.425 C (plain)
319 NAMWANGA GIRLS WESTERN Bungoma 6.425 C (plain)
320 LORNA LABOSO SECONDARY Rift Valley Bomet 6.4 C (plain)
321 Sengera Manga NYANZA Nyamira 6.3736 C (plain)
322 Burieruri Secondary Eastern Meru 6.36 C (plain)
323 ST PATRICKS NAITIRI WESTERN Bungoma 6.3488 C (plain)
324 MOI GIRLS KAMUSINGA WESTERN Bungoma 6.338 C (plain)
325 Ngoron high School Rift Valley Baringo 6.33 C (plain)
326 Mwaghogho Boys School Coast Taita Taveta 6.3 C (plain)
327 ST MONICAS GIRLS Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia 6.3 C (plain)
328 NKARETA SECONDARY Rift Valley NAROK 6.2889 C (plain)
329 SIVILIE SECONDARY WESTERN Kakamega 6.2669 C (plain)
330 CHEBONEI SECONDARY Rift Valley Bomet 6.26 C (plain)
331 CHEPTENYE BOYS Rift Valley Kericho 6.2359 C (plain)
332 MOI MINARIET SECONDARY Rift Valley Bomet 6.231 C (plain)
333 ST PETERS GIRLS Rift Valley Baringo 6.227 C (plain)
334 TENGES BOYS HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Baringo 6.2186 C (plain)
335 SERICHO SECONDARY North Eastern ISIOLO 6.21 C (plain)
336 MUNDIKA BOYS WESTERN Busia 6.208 C (plain)
337 Oriwo Boys NYANZA Homa Bay 6.2 C (plain)
338 Kwale Girls High school Coast Kwale 6.1825 C (plain)
339 KAMUREITO SECONDARY Rift Valley Bomet 6.168 C (plain)
340 KAPSANGARU SECONDARY Rift Valley Bomet 6.1667 C (plain)
341 ST MARY’S KITANY BOYS Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 6.1603 C (plain)
342 KITANY BOYS Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 6.16 C (plain)
343 ST TERESAS KABULA WESTERN Bungoma 6.15 C (plain)
344 SOSIOT GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 6.1083 C (plain)
345 Kuoyo Kochia Secondary NYANZA Homa Bay 6.1 C (plain)
346 KWHILARE WESTERN Busia 6.087 C (plain)
347 TAMBACH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 6.082 C (plain)
348 LELU SECONDARY Rift Valley Kericho 6.0792 C (plain)
349 LELU SECONDARY Rift Valley Kericho 6.0792 C (plain)
350 Makairo Secondary NYANZA Nyamira 6.0615 C (plain)
351 KAPTEBENGWO SECONDARY Rift Valley Kericho 6 C (plain)
353 BURU BOYS HIGH SCHOOL North Eastern MANDERA 6 C (plain)
354 PEMWANI GIRLS Rift Valley Baringo 6 C (plain)
356 KAPSOKWONY WESTERN Bungoma 6 C (plain)
357 KAPSOGUT BOYS Rift Valley Kericho 6 C (plain)
358 KIRIBA INTERGRATED Rift Valley Bomet 5.94 C (plain)
359 LEKIMBO SECONDARY Rift Valley Bomet 5.94 C (plain)
360 ST MONICA CHAKOL WESTERN Busia 5.927 C (plain)
361 LONGISA BOYS Rift Valley Bomet 5.9 C (plain)
362 Nyabigena Boys NYANZA Kisii 5.88502 C (plain)
363 St Gregory Obanga Mixed NYANZA Homa Bay 5.8811 C (plain)
364 NAMIRAMA GIRLS WESTERN Kakamega 5.865 C (plain)
365 ST JOSEPH KOCHOLIA WESTERN Busia 5.86 C (plain)
366 CHELILIS GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 5.8258 C (plain)
367 LUORA SECONDARY NYANZA Homa Bay 5.8209 C (plain)
368 KAPSOWAR BOYS Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 5.81 C (plain)
369 KABARTEGAN BOYS Rift Valley Kericho 5.81 C (plain)
370 Ngoto Secondary Eastern Makueni 5.8 C (plain)
371 MERCY GIRLS Rift Valley Baringo 5.8 C (plain)
372 BURU GIRLS North Eastern MANDERA 5.77 C (plain)
373 FRIENDS SCHOOL SENENDE Rift Valley Baringo 5.769 C (plain)
374 MEISORI SECONDARY Rift Valley Baringo 5.74 C (plain)
375 KIPCHERERE DAY Rift Valley Baringo 5.738 C (plain)
377 MAGIRE SECONDARY Rift Valley Kericho 5.72 C (plain)
378 Kinango Boys Secondary Coast Kwale 5.7143 C (plain)
379 SACRED HILL GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 5.702 C (plain)
380 MURRAY GIRLS Coast Taita Taveta 5.7 C (plain)
381 CHEBUNYO GIRLS Rift Valley Bomet 5.7 C (plain)
382 KIMOBO SECONDARY WESTERN Bungoma 5.7 C (plain)
383 St Peters Voo Secondary Eastern Kitui 5.667 C (plain)
384 Malava Boys WESTERN Kakamega 5.66 C (plain)
385 SENETWO DAY Rift Valley Baringo 5.653 C (plain)
386 BOKOLI BOYS WESTERN Bungoma 5.64 C (plain)
387 ST MARY’S AMUKURA WESTERN Busia 5.635 C (plain)
388 KERICHO TEA BOYS Rift Valley Kericho 5.6349 C (plain)
389 MOGOTIO GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Baringo 5.6284 C (plain)
390 KABIANGA GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 5.6036 C (plain)
391 Mulala Girls Eastern Makueni 5.6 C (plain)
392 ISHMAEL CHELANGA SECONDARY Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 5.6 C (plain)
393 ST PETERS MARAKWET BOYS Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 5.59 C (plain)
394 God Oloo Mixed NYANZA Homa Bay 5.5815 C (plain)
395 GIAKANJA BOYS Central Nyeri 5.58 C (plain)
396 VOI BOYS Coast Taita Taveta 5.57 C (plain)
397 KIPSOEN BOYS Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 5.5 C (plain)
398 SIMOTWO BOYS Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 5.5 C (plain)

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Date published: 22/09/2017
4.9 / 5 stars