TSC needs 36,804 teachers for 100 per cent transition in Schools

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The Government requires 36,804 teachers in the next three years to implement the 100 per cent transition rate of pupils from primary to secondary school.

This is according to a report by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) tabled before the National Assembly Education Committee yesterday.

TSC will also be forced to hire 135,165 intern teachers to address the shortfall in its teaching staff.

The 100 per cent transition policy aims to ensure all students sitting their primary school examinations proceed to secondary school, as opposed to past years where such students were forced to abandon school for various reasons.

The plan is in line with the global initiative to have all children access at least 12 years of learning.

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READ MORE ABOUT: TSC plans to employ an extra 900 teachers in May - TEACHERS REPLACEMENT

It is estimated that more than 200,000 Kenyan pupils fail to join secondary school annually, and the new policy aims at ensuring that these numbers are dealt with.

As a result, TSC has found itself in a race against time to recruit new teachers against a constrained budget and demand for better pay by the instructors.

The 100 per cent transition policy is being implemented concurrently with the roll-out of the new curriculum, and therefore the need for more tutors.

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia defended the delocalisation policy, saying it would enhance cohesion among various communities.

“For delivery of service, TSC ensures that teachers married to each other are not posted to different counties," said Dr Macharia.


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Date published: 22/09/2017
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