Updated Procedure for Renewing PPB premises license using online portal

Below is the updated procedure for renewing the PPB premises license using PPB online portal.

  1.  Visit the online PPB portal

  2. Click on practitioners


  3. If you already have an account login. (Enrollment number and password are required)
    If you don’t have an account click on NEW USER/REGISTER HERE and proceed to register and log in.


  4. After logging in click on the Renewal icon.

    You are required to furnish the board with the following details:
    Update Certificate/Business Reg Number from the Registrar of Companies (Attorney General (AG) Chambers)
    Update Business Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Personal Identification Number (PIN)
    Attach Business KRA PIN Copy
    Attach Certificate of Incorporation/BN3 (from the Registrar of Companies (Attorney General (AG) Chambers))
    Attach CR12 (for Companies)

  5. Choose the year and mode of payment. (MPESA is more convenient)

    Fill in the required fields.

    How to Register for Pharmacy and Poisons Board Exam in Kenya

  6. Upload a scanned Premises license and a clearance document from KPA.
  7. confirm and proceed.

    An e-invoice will be generated with a unique invoice No. and a PAY-BILL NO.

    1. Go to the MPESA menu on your phone–Payment services– Paybill NO. GENERATED AND ACCOUNT NO. AS INVOICE NO.GENERATED and Proceed


    2. The system will check the payment immediately and generate an Interim license


    3. Download and print the license.


    in case of any problem call any of the below telephone numbers

    0702 475 824 (6am-10pm)
    0702 475 845 (8am-5pm)
    0702 475 837 (8am-5pm)
    0702 475 842 (8am-5pm)
    0702 475 801 (8am-5pm)

ppb online portal

Kenya pharmaceutical association online portal

ppb registration of premises

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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