Nairobi women's hospital medical training college fee structure for all courses

This article highlights the Nairobi women's hospital medical training college fee structure for all courses. Nairobi women's hospital college is a privately owned medical training college by The Nairobi Women’s Hospital. The college is located along Kikuyu Road in the Waithaka area of Dagoreti South. 

The college was established in 2008 and has been licensed by the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK) and the Kenya National Examination Centre (KNEC) for diplomas and Certificates in Social Work and Community development programs.

Below is the college fee structure for all courses offered at Nairobi women's hospital medical college:

The Nairobi Women’s Hospital College Courses and Fees Structure

1. Higher Diploma in Critical Care Nursing

Minimum Requirements

Basic diploma in nursing(KRN/KRCHN) OR Nursing Degree (BSN) with a minimum of 2 years of working experience.

Duration: 1 Year

Tuition per year: Ksh 235,000


2. Diploma in Nursing (Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing)

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade C (plain) with a C plain in either English/Kiswahili, C plain in biology and a C- minus in either math/chem. /physics.

Duration: 3 years

Tuition per year: Ksh 130,000


3. Diploma in Social Work and Community Development

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade: C- (minus)

Duration: 2.5 years

Tuition per year: Ksh 85,000


4. Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade C- ( MINUS) with D+ in English, Biology, Chemistry, D plain in either Physics/math D plain in either home science/agriculture

Duration: 3 years

Tuition per year: Ksh 85,000


5. Diploma in Peri-Operative Theatre Technology

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade: C- ( Minus)

Duration: 2 years

Tuition per year: Ksh 110,000


6. Diploma in Health Records and Information Technology

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade: C- minus or Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Authority or Cert in HRIT

Duration: 3 years

Tuition per year: Ksh 85,000


7. Community Health Officer Diploma

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade: C- minus or Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Authority or Cert in HRIT

Duration: 2 years

Tuition per year: Ksh 85,000


8. Diploma in Counseling Psychology

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade C- minus

Duration: 2 years

Tuition per year: Ksh 85,000

9. Certificate in Social Work and Community Development

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade: D (plain)

Duration: 1 year

Tuition per year: Ksh 85,000

10. Certificate in Peri-Operative Theatre Technology

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade: D (plain)

Duration: 1 year

Tuition per year: Ksh 110,000

11. Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean Grade D with D plain in English / Kiswahili, Biology, Chemistry, D plain in either mathematics/physics, D plain in either Home Science, Agriculture

Duration: 2 years

Tuition per year: Ksh 85,000

12. Certificate in Health Records and Information Technology

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade: D plain, Certificate in health Records level 4 or Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Authority health

Duration: 2 years

Tuition per year: Ksh 85,000

13. Community health Officer Certificate 

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade; D plain

Duration: 1 year

Tuition per year: Ksh 85,000

14. Certificate in Counseling Psychology 

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean grade C- minus

Duration: 1 year

Tuition per year: Ksh 85,000

15. Certificate in Health Support service (level 5)

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean Grade D plain

Duration: 1 year

Tuition per year: Ksh 85,000

16. Certificate in Health Care Assistant (Internal)

Minimum Requirements

KCSE Mean Grade –

Duration: 8 months

Tuition: Ksh 85,000

Other Fees

  • Application fee (Non-refundable): Ksh 1,000
  • Student Identity Card and Handbook:1,500
  • Pre-Entry medical examination: Ksh 3,500
  • Medical emergency Kit: Ksh 2,000
  • Graduation (final year): Ksh 5,000
  • Caution fee(refundable): Ksh 2,000
  • Accommodation ( without meals –meals are available at our cafeteria on a pay-as-you-eat basis): Ksh 4,000

The Nairobi Women’s Hospital College Contacts

Phone: 0708 287 474

Below are a few questions that are frequently asked about Nairobi Women's Hospital college

  1. Does Nairobi Women's hospital offer a certificate in nursing?
The college does not offer certificates in nursing course. However, Nairobi Women's Hospital learning center admits students for Diploma in Nursing in April and September.

      2. What are the requirements to qualify for Certificate in Nursing Requirements in other colleges?

A certificate in community nursing requires a C- mean grade while the cluster subjects' requirements are as follows: English/Kiswahili – C- Biology/Biological Sciences- C- Chemistry or Physics/Physical Science or Mathematics- D+

      3. Is nursing easy to study?

There's a lot to learn, the exams are challenging, the schedules are complicated, and the assignments keep piling up. All of these factors can make life difficult for you as a student. Nursing is a highly competitive field from the moment you begin the application process until you receive your degree

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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