Revealed: 'Identical' girls, Sharon & Melon are Twins DNA confirms.

Melon Lutenyo (left) and Sharon Mathias. They believe they are sisters and that they were separated at birth. [Kevin Tunoi, Standard]


Newborn switching during childbirth has been hitting debates on the internet for the longest time. However, this case for two twins who are allegedly switched during birth in a hospital hit the news headlines 2 months ago. But today we are glad to bring the good news that on August 15, 1999, Rosemary Onyango went to Kakamega County Referral Hospital expecting to give birth to triplets.

She would, however, later be told that her cesarean delivery had brought forth twins, whom she named Melon and Mevies Imbaya.

 Just two days earlier, another woman, Angeline Omina, had been at the same hospital where she gave birth to a girl whom she named Sharon.

 The births that occurred nearly 20 years ago are now the subject of excitement in Fafaro village in Likuyani Constituency where two teenagers who believe they could be twin sisters have reunited.

Sharon Mitekwa and Melon Lutenyo who have like-for-like physical features are biological sisters, a DNA test report from Lancet shows.

“They share identical DNA profiles, with the 23 allelic loci tested show 100% perfect match, which is consistent with the two being biologically twins,” says Lancet Kenya in their report released Saturday.

Ms Mitekwa lives in Kangemi, Nairobi with Angeline Onyango, who was originally deemed to be her mother, whereas Ms Lutenyo resides in Kakamega with her biological mum, Rosemary Onyango.

The twins were separated from each other at birth in 1999 at Kakamega County Referral Hospital.

The other originally perceived twin sister of Melon, Mevis Imbaya, is the biological child of Kangemi-based woman Angeline.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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