UPDATE: President Uhuru Kenyatta after Lifting the Lock-down

UPDATE: President Uhuru Kenyatta's 10 Points after Lifting the Lock-down

Fellow Kenyans,
With the advice of the National Security Council and the National Emergency Response Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, I further order and direct the following phased measures:

I. THAT places of worship will commence phased re-opening for congregational worship and public (in-person) worship in strict conformity with all applicable guidelines and protocols, including the self-regulating guidelines developed by the Inter-Faith Council;

II. THAT, in line with the guidelines issued by the Inter-Faith Council, only a maximum of one hundred (100) participants will be allowed at each worship ceremony and not be more than one hour;

III. THAT, Sunday Schools and Madrassas shall remain suspended until further notice, and in-person worship shall not include congregants under the age of thirteen (13) years or above the age of fifty-eight (58) years or persons with underlying conditions;

IV. THAT, following consultations with stakeholders in the education sector, and cognizant of the surge in the rate of infections, the Ministry of Education shall jointly with all the stakeholders in the sector shall today, not later than tomorrow, notify the public on the resumption of the 2020 Academic Calendar for Basic Education and Tertiary Institutions.

V. THAT, conscious that movement of people is a catalyst for the spread of the disease, there shall be no movement of public transport vehicles into and out of the areas previously under cessation of movement restrictions, without the public transport providers being compliant with all protocols developed by Ministry of Health. To operate, Public Service Vehicles the operators will require mandatory certification from the Ministry of Health, in consultation with Ministry of Transport.

VI. THAT, Local Air Travel within the Territory of the Republic of Kenya shall resume effective Wednesday, 15th July, 2020; in strict conformity with all applicable guidelines and protocols from both the Ministry of Health and civil aviation authorities;

VII. THAT International Air Travel into and out of the Territory of the Republic of Kenya shall resume effective 1st August, 2020; in strict conformity with all protocols from the Ministry of Health, local and international civil aviation authorities, and any additional requirements applicable at the ports of departure, arrival or transit;

VIII. THAT the prohibition against social and political gatherings, of whatever nature, is extended for a further period of 30 days;

IX. THAT the restriction of the operation of bars to ‘take-away’ only, and the restrictions on the number of persons who can attend weddings and funerals is extended for a further period of 30 days; and

X. That the ministry of Health, in conjunction with the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development shall establish protocols for the resumption of the importation and sale of imported/second-hand clothes.

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Date published: 22/09/2017
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